Chapter 11

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"They will pay....especially Andrew....." I fall silent. Kyleigh and Caitlyn were silent for a few seconds before speaking up slowly,"What happened?" Caitlyn asks. "Well....the next few days went by about the same........"


Flying over Moscow, using my abilities to cloud the sky, my costume somewhat hidden. Looking around my eyes focus on a scene breaking out below, there is a girl being cornered by two men in black. As I get closer I realize the girl is my friend Emie! Silently I land close to the first man, bringing my foot up and using my wings I do a round house kick. Hitting him square in the back he falls with a small cry. The other man turns alarmed seeing me he lunges forward. I Turn quickly to avoid the incoming hit, but he manages to get my ribs. It stings and I know it will bruise later, but at the moment it just made me angry. By now the two men were up and preparing for another attack. Quickly I turn to Emie, "Go now, run!" I yell. She nods whispering,"Thank you Storm!" she runs past me and the men. Now that its just me and them I see clearly one is a bit shorter than the other, not that it matters. "I'll get her you deal with Storm..." the taller one tells the short one. His eyes locked on mine, The shorter one nods at the taller one then chases after Emie. Before I can get to him the shorter one charges at me, catching me off guard. In an instance he has me on the ground using brute force to hold me down, my wings squashed painfully under me. I kick and squirm but he just tightens his grip on my wrists. I let out a small scream," Shut up you freaking idiot!!!" he yells at me. I manage to get a good kick to his groin he falls sideways. I quickly sit up and force myself to my feet. One last glance at the man on the ground, his hood fallen, he looks up at me pain anger and fear in his eyes. it's Ryan from school!!! Without a second thought I flip him the bird and run after Emie and mystery man number two, just as a blood curdling scream reaches my ears, running fast and jumping into the air my sore wings sting as I push on, fear overwhelming me.

So what do you think? I really like this chapter :)

Edit: I made some small but important details, I was a little unhappy with this chapter and the next one...thats why they were down, sorry!!! i love you guys!!!!

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