Chapter 16

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Ryan's POV



I sit up in bed now fully awake, rubbing my eyes,"what was that?" I can hear loud yelling from the kitchen area.


A blood curdling scream, I get up and race to the kitchen as fast as my feet will carry me,"MOMMY?!?!?!?!?" I go to her side as tears fill my eyes, there's so much blood and mommy isn't moving! I look up to see daddy, he is breathing heavily and looks very angry, in his hand is a bloody meat cleaver.....

"Isn't that enough sir?! He has been through a lot tonight... We both have..." Andrew tells the policeman,"uh, yes, I'm sorry for your loss...thank you for talking with me Ryan, you are very brave." I slowly nod the policeman smiles, shaking Andrew's hand then walking off to the others in our home...what was our home....Andrew gives my shoulder a squeeze,"Good job Ryan, I think he believed it...No one can know the truth Ryan....No one..."


I wake up in a cold sweat, sitting up on the cot. Shaking away those nightmares, they've never fully gone away...Andrew should of never gotten away with...that...I wanted so bad to tell Kyliegh to tell her everything...about my parents...and Angela...and especially what Andrew did...but he found he has gone mad on trying to find a way to end her...I don't even know who he is anymore...

Hearing a rattling noise I brace myself as the blinding light seeps into the dark wet cellar, Andrew walks in a crazed look on his face,"How's my baby brother?" he smiles putting a tray of food in front of me. Which I eat hungrily, he hasn't given me anything in a day or so.

I look up to see him holding a newspaper pacing in the small room,"Your girl is a clever one brother, but she won't be able to out maneuver me for long, and guess who finally showed her face again! Ha! She won't get in my way!" He shouts angrily dropping the newspaper on my cot, storming out closing the doors behind him with a clicking sound I know I'm locked in....for who knows how long. I sigh picking up the paper,"Who?" My eyes get wide, on the front page, is Kyleigh

....and....Angela?! Only...she...she is Storm. I'd of never thought she'd risk that again....not after Moscow..... What is going on out there?!?!?! I need to find a way to get out of here.........Kyleigh, I need you....please help me.

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