Chapter 10

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I sigh memories flooding back to me...from that dreaded night.... I start off by telling Kyleigh and Caitlyn a few days before the.....accident....that horrible day......


I was walking home from school with my friend Emie, she was going on about some guy that smiled at her in the halls. "Angela? Hello! Are you even listening to me?!?" Emie snaps me out of my thoughts,"Ya sorry Emie, you were saying?" "So I was saying Andrew the senior smiled at me! He is so hot!!!" I smile to myself, Emie has liked Andrew since....forever, but me...I hated him.... There was always something off about him... Rumors are that he killed his parents... Apparently they abused him and his younger brother... Ryan? Or something like that... He's in our grade... But always shy and hiding his face...I don't really know him, like at all. But Andrew, everyone knew him, he was a lady's man (ya right!), the school's MVP... Plus really good with computers... He was almost to good... But even "perfect" people have flaws... Andrew got held back, a lot... He is 22..... I think the teachers just got sick of him so they gave him better grades... Andrew being the oldest student in the school made him a target for young girls' hearts, eeww....

*end memory*

"Wait!? Andrew, Ryan!!! Are you talking about...the Andrew and!?!?!?!?" Caitlyn blurts out mid my tale. I sigh," Yes, I am, they followed me here..." "But why? What do they have to do with this?" Kyleigh says close to freaking out. "That I am still not sure about....but when I find out why...there will be trouble to pay...." I stated venom clear in my voice. Kyleigh and Caitlyn stare at me fear forming in their eyes.

So here is chapter 10!!! It seems so odd already writing/publishing chapter 10 it feels like I am writing chapter 1 😂 lol let me know what you think!

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