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FIVE months in, I have been going for checkups, I don't know. I just feel so ill and nauseous these days. Vincenzo would insist that I should go for a weekly check but I would tell him it was my period, and that I am fine. He is not home so, I guess I am home alone, staring at the Tv, watching Netflix, Game of thrones.  I stuff a hand of potato Chips in my mouth, munching it slowly and savoring it.  It became so clear two months ago, that I wasn't just putting on weight anymore, I was so swollen, that I gained 53 pounds worth of fluid. The more I started to show, Vincenzo would drag me to the hospital but I will refuse. He would come home early to check up on me, to see how I was doing.

Today, I stared at the mirror in my bedroom, I looked so scary! my feet and face were so swollen, my cheeks were bright red and I felt like throwing up. So crouch down in front of the toilet and threw up all that I had eaten from yesterday's dinner. I washed my mouth and face, changing from my night robe to a flower dress. Sitting on this couch gives me so much pain in my butt. I use my hands to stand up from the couch slowly.. oohh mine. I try breathing in and out in the same rhythm. Eeeehhh Ohhh eeeehhhh ooohhh, yeah i am going to be fine.  I tried standing straight but the pains! jeez, oh my God.  I tried walking to the kitchen to get a cup of water to drink but I didn't get far, I fell on my knees. Ouch! I need help so bad, Vincenzo! Oh no, he is not at home, I can't call him, he is in an important meeting. Who should I call? Ophelia? Oh no, she is preparing for her date with Alberto.  

The door to the front house opened slightly, Vincenzo walked in with his bag in his hands and a white folder in the other hand. I was still focused on my breathing process and calmness.

"Baby, what are you doing? Why are you on the floor?" Vincenzo rushes towards me, picking me up from the floor. I screamed in pain, he throws his bag and files to the other side of the room before carrying me slowly and laying me on the bed carefully.

"Vincenzo, why are you home so early?" I asked scanning him slowly.

"What? I can't come to my house early anymore?" He asked in a serious tone.

"No no, that is not what I meant, I am just asking because I thought you have a meeting by this time?" I squinched in pain.

"I canceled all meetings, I wanted to be with you, so that is why I am here. {He paused } We are going to the hospital now, so give me a minute, let me get you water." I shook my head in disagreement.

"What? You have no decision here, I will take you to the hospital for a check-up, look you are adding more weight, and turning red, and each day you complain of pains." He leaves the sitting room to get a bottle of water putting it under his arms before carrying me in bridal style out of the house to his car. He puts me in the front seat and fastens my seat belt before shutting the door. He enters the driver's seats and reverses out of the driveway heading for the highway.


"Why didn't you call me, Gine," He said in between bites. He is been asking since we left the house, but I kept my mouth shut because I was angry at the fact that we were coming to the hospital. Luckily the doctor walked in so I didn't have to think of an excuse to say to him. The doctor looked at my chart as he closed the door behind him.

"Luckily, it's not something terrible. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. De Luca, you're pregnant" The doctor told me. After doing a thorough examination, he prescribed me some prenatal vitamins and suggested a weekly check-up. I felt numb, how come, I thought I was on birth control. I turned to look at Vincenzo who had a happy smile playing on his lips, he was so happy but why didn't I feel happy. I guess I am just scared that's all. Vincenzo kept spilling out names he would love to name the baby, while I walked beside him giggling the whole time at his weird choice of names. Vincenzo finally grabbed my hands and wrapped them around my waist.

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