Chapter 9- Drowning.

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Seto's POV

Brice grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles. "I will never let anyone hurt you again..." He whispered, "I love you too much to see you in pain." His voice cracked a bit at the end. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes. Someone really did love me.

"Come on Seto, we're gonna be late for lunch." Brice said. I just sat there and made grabby hands. He chuckled and picked me up bridal style. I snuggled my head into his chest and sighed in contentment.

Brice bent down a bit to open the door. I heard him grunt and the jiggle of the doorknob. "Come on... Al-most-got it.... Yes!" He mumbled as he opened the door while still carrying me. The hallways were empty because we were a bit late for lunch.

As soon as Brice got to the lunchroom doors, he put me down. We walked in, looking as normal as ever. We sat down next to Adam, Ian , Ty, Tyler, Husky, and Jason.

"Talk. Where were you guys during History?" Adam asked. I looked down, scared of being judged. Brice lifted my head slightly with his first finger and ducked down to look at my face. He looked up at me and looked me in the eyes.

I sighed and nodded. "Um... We're a couple..." Brice said. I flinched at the word 'couple' and looked down more. I just wanted to curl into a ball into a corner alone and not let anyone see me. Everyone 'awwwwwed' and Tyler stood up.

"Husky, you owe me twenty bucks!" He said, pointing at the blue and yellow haired teen. "You bet us?!" I asked and Husky sighed and gave Tyler twenty dollars while rolling his eyes. I giggled and started eating the lunch Ty got me.

Time Skip After School

"I can't believe Mr. Roeske gave us lunch detention for skipping History!" Brice said as we were walking to his house. I giggled and said, "I know! It is just one class, and plus I do NOT need a teacher telling me they know more than me! I know how to read standard galactic and Greek, bitches!" I said with a sassy and smart ass tone. Brice smiled and gasped.

"That is the first time I have ever heard you cuss Seto!" He said with a shocked face. I giggled and said, "Most of the time I'm an innocent and kind person, but get on my bad side and I can be a bad ass." I said with a smile.

We arrived at Brice's house, and this time I made sure to tell Mason.

Brice opened the front door and we raced each other upstairs. I won and did a victory dance.

"Such a small and scrawny person can be so fast!" Brice said, panting. I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.

"I love you Seto...." He whispered. I buried my head into his chest and closed my eyes. "I love you too Brice..."

I believed it so much because I was drowning. Drowning in my thoughts. Drowning in the depression. Drowning in peoples harsh words. And Brice was my body, thrashing and doing everything he can to help me breathe for air. The people who hurt me were the weeds and seaweed tangling my arms and legs to keep me from breathing. But a body never gives up, even in the worse cases.... Because I believe- no... I know Brice would never give up on me....

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