Chapter 20- Where's My Baby...

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Brice's POV

We all were walking through the woods. Tyler said when he was little, he saw this abandoned warehouse. He says it was pretty far, and that it took a couple days to get their if you walked. Tyler and Jason had backpacks full of food and water and a lighter. Ian and Husky had backpacks full of sleeping bags.

"We should stop and set up camp." Ian said. I nod and grab a couple logs, putting them into a circle. Adam grabbed a big pile of sticks and put them in the middle. I looked up and saw the starry night sky, trees surround the small area we had in a circle.

Ty grabbed two flint rocks and sliced them together, a spark bounced into the stick pile and created a fire. We sat down on the logs and sat by the fire. Jason and Tyler sat on one log together. Adam and Ty sat on one, Husky and Ian sat on one together, and I sat on one by myself. Adam reached over to one of his bags and pulled out a guitar. He started playing a familiar song. Then started singing the chorus.

"I had a dream the other night,

About how we only get one life.

It woke me up right after two,

Adam looked at Ty.

I stared awake and stared at you.

So I wouldn't lose my mind."

I started singing the next part of the song and Adam kept playing the guitar, but stopped singing.

"I had the week that came from Hell,

And yes I could notice you could tell,

But you're like the net under the ledge,

When I go flying off the edge,

You go flying off as well...

I looked up at the stars as I sang this, thinking Seto will somehow hear.

And if you only die once,

I wanna die with..."

The guys started beating their hands against their legs to create the beat to the drum. Everyone joined in to this part of this song. Jason and Tyler looked at each other, Ty and Adam look at each other, and Husky and Ian looked at each other, as if the other were their main priority.

"You got something I need~!

In this world full of people,

There's one killing me!

And if we only die once,


I wanna die with,


You got something I need!

In this world full of people,

There's one killing me,

And if we only die once,


I wanna die with you~!"

Husky started singing the next part by himself. He looked at Ian.

"Last night I think I drank too much...

Yeah, call it a temporary crutch...

With broken words I tried to say,

Honey, don't you be afraid,

Cause we got nothing, we got us...

Husky put a hand on Ian's knee.

And if you only die once,

I wanna die with,"

Instead of beating our legs, we clapped our hands to the beat, except for Adam, who played the guitar still. We all sang in a sync.

"You got something I need~!

In this world full of people,

There's one killing me,

and if we only die once,


I wanna die with you~!




You got something I need~!

In this world full of people,

There's one killing me,

and if we only die once,


I wanna die with you~!

I know that we're not the same!

But I'm so damn glad that we made it to,

This time,

This time now,"

Everyone stopped clapping to the beat, making Adams music the only sound. Jason grabbed Tyler's hands, and looked at his eyes, singing the next part by himself. Tyler's face dusted with pink.

"You got something I need...

Yeah in this world full of people, there's one killing me,

and if we only die once...

I wanna die with...


Jason kissed Tyler on the nose gently. Tyler reached up, Jason being taller, and kissed Jason's forehead. We all smiled at their love.

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