Chapter 16- Windy.

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Brice's POV

As soon as Seto shut the door, I exploded.

"Mitch, what the hell was that?!" I yelled.

"They were freaky! Brice, he's a freak, you shouldn't hang out with him!" He yelled.

"Not everyone is perfect Mitch, and you have to understand that! People have feelings!" I snapped and my face started turning red.

"He isn't a person, he's a thing." He said with venom in his voice.

"You need to learn Mitch, everyone has flaws. And if you're pointing out their people's, maybe you're just too stupid to find your fucking own!" I snapped, my eyes had fire in them and my blood boiling.

"If you care about him so much, why don't you go find him, I ain't helping." He hissed.

"Typical Mitch." I said then laughed coldheartedly. I quickly threw on my jacket and grabbed Seto's hood, and dashed out the door.

I ran through the sidewalks, searching for Seto. I ran to the park and found Seto curled up in a ball under a tree, shivering and quivering.

I dashed over to him and quickly sat down and wrapped my arms around him, trying to protect him from the chilled winds.

Seto's POV

I was sitting under a tree with my knees tucked into my chest and my head down. I was so cold from the wind stinging my face.

Suddenly... I felt a warm embrace and the winds were soon forgotten. I looked up and saw Brice looking down at me.

He smiled and said, "Seto... come home..."

I smiled and nodded. He smiled and stood up, me doing the same. He pulled my folded cloak out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. I put it on, but didn't put the hood up.

Suddenly there was loud crack ripple through the sky. The wind got stronger and I almost tumbled back.

I started to feel damp, then realized that it was raining. No, not raining..... Storming..... "Come on Seto!" Brice yelled over the harsh winds. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the house. We saw lighting strike a piece of playground equipment about fifteen feet away from us.

I yelped and let go of Brice's hand. He stopped and looked back at me. "Come on!" He shouted.

I suddenly started floating and realized that the wind was picking me up.

"NO!" Brice yelled and tried to grab my hand, but mine just brushed against his. He grabbed my cloak and held me there. He slowly started to tug me down and when I was in reach, he wrapped his arms around me and ran, he ran as fast as he could to the house, but I knew we couldn't make it.

My eyes started glowing full purple without pupils. "Quesav es aomil." I whispered and we teleported out side the house and Brice almost ran into the door. When he realized what I did, he quickly flung open the door and pulled me inside.

He slammed the door shut behind us and started panting. "Are you okay baby?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. My face stung from the sudden heat and my cheeks were cold and wet.

"Thank god you're okay!" Ty said as he ran up to us. He gave me a tight hug. "Don't scare us like that again!" He said. I pulled away.

I giggled and said, "No promises." He chuckled and walked back over to the couch. Brice flashed me a smile and I returned it.

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