Chapter 24- Wake up...

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Brice's POV




Seto's heart monitor was the only thing keeping me sane. It's been three weeks since he's fell into a coma. Every day after school I came to see him, the doctors sometimes having to drag me out whenever visiting hours were over.

I grabbed Seto's cold hand and held it. "Seto... please wake up... I can't bear living without you..." Tears were burning my eyes.

"Brice... I think it's time to go...  It's already 6..." Ty said, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"But... But what if he wakes up while I'm gone...?" I trailed off. 

"He'll be fine Brice, I assure you." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room, making me let go of Seto's hand. I frowned and walked with Ty to my car. I sat in the drivers seat and started the car as Ty got into the passenger seat. 

I backed out of the parking lot and drove Ty home. He smiled sadly at  me and got out. I squeezed the steering wheel before driving home. By the time I got home it was 8. I got out of the car and walked into my house, not even bothering to turn on the lights. I walked to my bed and plopped face first onto it, falling into a restless sleep.

Time Skip to Next Morning

I woke up to my blaring alarm clock. I blindly slapped the nightstand until the clock turned off. I groaned and rolled off the bed, standing up and running my hand through my messy bed hair.

"School sucks when waking up without Seto..." I mumbled and went to get ready for school.

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