Chapter 13- Not the Same...

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Seto's POV

Brice is acting different. I don't know what I did...

"Ty... do you think Brice is acting strange?" I asked Ty on our way back to Brice's house. (Let's just pretend Brice got a house by himself and he doesn't live with his parents anymore)I went over to Ty's and Brice didn't want to come. It was around 8:00pm.

"I don't know. He's your boyfriend. Maybe it's just a family problem and he's got a lot to handle." He said calmly. That's what I liked about Ty. He always looked on the bright side about things and was always so calm.

I sighed and said, "Maybe, I just hope he feels okay..."

We stopped at my doorstep and hugged. "Good night Seto." Ty whispered.

"Goodnight Ty..." I whispered back.

When I opened the door, Brice wasn't in the living room. I closed the door and crept to his art room. It's a big, empty room with white walls. So Brice paints on the walls.

When I opened the door, Brice was staring at a wall and his paintbrush was finishing a detail. His whole body was still except for his hand, with the paintbrush.

"Brice?" I asked. He didn't answer, as if he were a robot. "Brice?" I repeated. Still no answer. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

I looked up and my eyes widened. I back up to get a full view. "Brice what is this?" I asked. He kept painting. "Brice what the hell is this?!" I yelled. Brice had painted... me... Only my mouth was open and there was blood dripping out of it. I was super pale, and I had a psychotic smile. I was holding a knife with blood on it.

I started crying and yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you?!!!!! Am I some freak?!!! Do you hate me?!!!"

Brice turned around and looked at me. He tilted his head to the right as if he were confused. He had no expression on his face. "I don't hate you Seto..." He whispered, but it was as if he was right next to my ear instead of five feet away from me.

I ran to the living room and dialed Ty's number.

"Hello?" Said a tired voice. "Adam?" I said with a shaky voice. "Seto? What's up? Are you okay?" He asked, now concerned. "Somethings wrong... Somethings wrong with Brice..." I whispered. "What's wrong? What happened?" He asked. "Just... just come over please... and bring the guys, and if the guys can't make it... make sure to bring Ty..." I said quietly. "Of course, we'll be right over." He said and hung up.

I turned around and dropped the phone. Brice stood in the doorway. "What's wrong Seto? I thought you loved me?" He asked. He sounded the same. But didn't act the same. "I do love you..." I said. He shook his head and walked over to me. I wrapped my cat tail around my waist and my ears flattened against my head.

He raised his hand and slapped me on the cheek. I looked up with tear stained eyes. "Wha..." I whispered, but he punched me in the gut. I doubled over and clutched my stomach "I want you to leave. Get out of my house! You little bitch!" He yelled. I started sobbing uncontrollably and crawled towards the door. "Don't you dare come back!" He yelled and I opened the door and closed it. I shakily got up and walked towards the driveway.

I heard a car coming and saw Adam's van. Adam stopped the car in front of me and Ty scrambled out of the passenger side. "Oh my God, what happened?" He asked. I just shook my head and said, "Brice and I are over..."

I opened the back door and saw Husky, Jason, Tyler (munchingbrotato) and Ian. I crawled in the back seat that wasn't occupied. "What do you mean you and Brice are over?" Ty asked. "He broke up with me. He doesn't want me coming to his house again." I said. "What did he say?" Ian asked. "He... he told me to leave... and to never come back... h-he slapped me... and punched me in the stomach... and called me a little bitch..." I croaked out.

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