chapter 17- Sleepy...

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Seto's POV

Brice and I decided to go boating with Adam and Ty. We were paddling a canoe and Adam and Ty's were a couple feet away from us.

"Stop." I told Brice and he stopped his paddle. I leaned over the boat and touched the water.

"It's so beautiful..." I whispered. "Yeah, the sun reflects off the lake." He said.

I saw a flower on the water and went to grab it.

I leaned too far and the next thing I knew, I was breathing water. I squirmed to try and break free, but the sea weed wrapped itself around my arms and legs. My tail was wrapped tightly around my waist and my ears were pressed against my head. I tried calling for help, but only bubbled came up and water filled my lungs. I was drowning. The weeds were pulling me further bellow the water.

It felt like a ton of needles poking your body.

I suddenly felt the water ripple and saw a blur of gold and black above me. I felt tired... Really tired. I wanted to keep struggling, but the water was warm from the sun and made me sleepy. I felt something wrap around my wrist and the weeds untangle from me. I was slowly pulled up and I felt air intrude my lungs as my head popped into the surface.

I panted and looked around and saw a soaked Brice. Brice was panting and he wrapped his arms around my exhausted body. He slowly swam up to the shore with me on his side.

When he got close enough, he stood up and dragged me to the grass.

He laid me down and sat next to me. My body seemed paralyzed. I didn't want to move.

"Are you okay Seto?" Brice asked. "I-I..." I whispered breathlessly. He started slowly stroking my soaked hair.

"Shh," he cooed, "It's okay..." I weakly leaned my head against his hand. "Baby... can we... go home..." I weakly whispered. He nodded.

Adam and Ty came running up to us, panting. "Are you... okay!?" Ty said panting. I nodded.

"We're going home." Brice said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the trail. We had walked here, and Brice knew I was too weak to walk.

I snuggled my head into his damp chest, and fell asleep.

Setosolace- That boy in the libraryWhere stories live. Discover now