Chapter 21- The Walk of Revenge

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Brice's POV

         We all woke up at sunrise. We packed our things and started on the trail again. 

"Tyler how much farther is the warehouse?" I asked. He stopped. We all stopped to and Ty crashed into me. "Sorry dude." 

         Tyler pointed forward and there is was, the warehouse. Seto is being held here. I sighed and walked forward. I saw two men guarding the front. Sky stopped and so did everyone else.

"We need to create a distraction." Jason said. 

"Distraction is my middle name." Tyler answered with a smirk. He ran over to the two guards. "Aye, come over 'ere!" He yelled. The two guards grabbed their knives and ran after Tyler, screaming for him to come back.

       We all quickly ran into the entrance, seeing an open and old room. 

"God this place is big..." Ty muttered. I nodded my head in agreement. We all froze as we heard a scream of pain and panic. I recognized it anywhere....

"Seto! Baby, where are you?!" I yelled, looking around.

"Brice! I'm in the ba-!" Seto was cut off by something and I don't know what. 

"He was gonna say basement." Ian said. Husky pointed to a staircase in the far corner. We all ran to it and rushed down them. I almost fell at the last step at the sight I saw. Seto was chained to a wall with cuts and bruises all over him. He had a gag on and his clothes were ripped and torn. He was shivering and crying.

"Seto!" We all screamed at once. I just now noticed that Tyler had joined us. He must of lost the guards. 

         Seto looked up and he gave us a pleading look, his screams muffled by the gag. I ran towards him, falling to my knees at the last minute and gave him a big hug, unbuckling the gag while petting his hair in comfort as he sobbed in my arms.

"Shhhh... shhhh... You're safe now... no one can hurt you... shhhh." I comforted him as much as possible.

His body racked with sobs. His face buried into my neck, leaving a trail of tears running down my neck and onto my shirt. But I didn't care one bit. I heard of series of "Seto!" "Thank god we found you!" "Are you okay?" Everyone said at once. Every one joined the hug making one big group hug, all of us crying tears of joy.

But of course....

All good things must come to an end...

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