Chapter 4

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My mate was the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Her wavy auburn hair was long and luscious. She had a narrow face with full pink lips that looked so kissable. She was thin, almost too thin, but with a large chest. I couldn't wait until I could touch her, bring her close to my body and hold her. Studying her closer I saw the bruises on her arms and the one bruise on her face. She was so pale that they stood out from her skin. I let out a low growl as I thought of the people who hurt her. Someday I would find them and rip them apart. My wolf found that idea better than any I had ever come up with. The sound of her whimper broke me from my trance and Seth put her down on the couch in the living room. "Someone call the pack doctor, NOW!" I screamed frantically as I knelt by the couch. I really hope that I wasn't too late. She was clearly living in horrible conditions and I was not there to protect her. My wolf whined inside me, feeling the pain of knowing she was hurt.


As I started to wake up, my nose became familiar with a smell that was beyond anything I had ever smelled. It filled my nostrils and I desperately needed to know what it was. I felt the man place me down on something soft and as he did so I was able to just open my eyes to see the most beautiful man in the world staring at me with horror in his eyes. "Mate"

He was tall and muscular. Not enough to look like a bodybuilder but enough to know he had a six pack under the grey t shirt he wore. His jawline was perfect, with incredible angles. The way his dark hair was styled looked effortlessly cute. He was staring at me with his piercing blue eyes and I started to get nervous. What if he was like my family? What if he hated me? I couldn't get rejected by my mate, but I knew I was worth nothing. When the inevitable came I would have to leave and find another place to stay.

The handsome man came closer and kneeled in front of me. "What is your name?" He asked gently. I was surprised by how nice he sounded but even so I pushed myself further into the couch. "S-sapphire" I struggled to get out. "Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you but I would love if you told me who did. My name is Noah and I just want to help you." I didn't know what to say. Could he really care for me? Maybe I had finally found the one, but I couldn't take my chances. Before he became impatient, a short older women walked through the door. "Noah, why do I smell a rogue on the property? What did I tell you about tormenting them? Just get rid of the mutt and be done!" A growl started from Noah's chest and worked its way to his throat as he stood in front of me. I'm assuming this women was his mother and when she saw his protective stance she instantly knew who I was.

She squealed with joy and hugged her son while telling the other men, who still stood in the doorway, to go back to their duties. When she finally took a closer look at me a sad look crossed her face. I knew she was looking at the bruises and I wished she would look away. I had never been stared at for so long, usually my family would ignore the markings on my body as if they didn't exist. Noah looked back at me and came closer. He tried to put a hand on my face but I flinched and winced waiting for the blow that never came. When I opened my eyes again he looked more sad than I had ever seen another person. I never wanted to see that look on his face again. "Why don't I take her to get cleaned up and get some rest?" Said his mother. This sentence filled me with fear. Would she be taking me somewhere more private to punish me for trespassing? Maybe she would tell me I could never be sons mate because of my frail appearance. After everything I have been through it's easier for me to focus on the negative since that's all I've ever known. Noah tried to resist her but she gave me him a look as if she knew what he was thinking. Maybe they were mindlinking about something but it seemed like she won whatever argument they were having. She grabbed my hand before I could resist and helped me off of the fluffy couch. After laying down for so long I realized how much body ached and winced as my feet hit the floor. A low growl from Noah's mouth spooked me but I continued standing up and followed his mothers lead. It was hard for me to walk, but I found the strength within me as we headed up the stairs in this huge mansion. Now that I was fully awake I could truly appreciate the architecture of the house. The pristine beige walls were covered in photos of what seemed like nearly every wolf they had in the pack. There were various paintings too, some of which I thought I could recreate. At the top of the stairs we headed to one of the first rooms and his mother entered without me. Handing me a pile of clothes she pulled from a drawer she smiled. "If you keep walking straight there is a bedroom on the left with an attached bathroom. You can go and freshen up in there" I nodded my head as a thank you and slowly made my way to the room. I paused for a second and turned around seeing that Noah's mom hadn't left yet and asked "did anyone grab my backpack that I had with me?" The question totally caught her off guard but before I knew it she was calling down to Noah asking if he saw it. A few minutes later Noah ran up the stairs with my ragged looking backpack and handed it to me. I thanked him quietly and made my way once again down the hallway to the bedroom.

It was a huge bedroom with a large bed in the center of it. The woodsy smell of my mate filled the room which marked it as his. I closed the door and found the bathroom to the left anxiously getting inside and removing my clothes. I turned the dial to hot and let the water run down my body. How could my mate be that handsome? I knew that he was being nice now but how long would it take for him to start to hate me? A day? Thinking of all this made me start to have a panic attack. My breathing became heavier and I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head that maybe I wasn't good enough for Noah. In order to avoid someone finding me like this, I calmed myself down and made sure to get my self clean. I didn't realize how dirty I was from my adventures in the woods and after rinsing the last bit of shampoo from my hair I stepped out of the shower to find a towel. I put on the clothes the women had given me and slowly crept out of the bathroom. The bed was huge. Like bigger than I had ever seen before. Back at home I was given an old mattress and some sheets, so seeing this bed was incredible. I didn't want to make Noah upset by using his bed so i laid on the floor and drifted into a deep sleep.

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