Chapter 13

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Sapphire's POV

The kiss seemed to last forever as our mouths moved in sync. When I finally pulled away I could tell that his eyes were much darker as if his wolf was trying to take over. I knew that sooner or later he would want to mark me and then complete the mating process but I'm not sure I was ready for that yet. We enjoyed a long embrace until he needed to start getting ready for the day. "So I need to attend to some paperwork in my office today, would you like to come with me?" I was so happy he wanted me to be with him today and I immediately accepted the offer before jumping out of bed and choosing an outfit for the day. Noah chuckled as he changed his clothes and we walked to his office hand in hand. Throughout the first few hours of the day I was helping him organize some papers and put other ones in filing cabinets. I liked to feel useful and I was thankful to have something to do. After going down to the kitchen to grab some lunch we went back to his office for him to finish up a few more things. "Do you think I could have some paper and a pencil?" He looked up from his computer with a curious look on his face but then said, "of course baby grab some from the printer and there's pencils and pens over here" as he pointed to a pen cup on his desk. I walked over to the printer and grabbed a couple of sheets and then grabbed the fanciest mechanical pencil from the cup on his desk and sat on the couch in his office. Luckily there was a coffee table in front of the couch so I was able to use it as a makeshift desk. I decided I would try and draw a portrait of my handsome mate deep in thought as he sent emails to various other pack leaders. I will never understand pack politics, but I'm hoping he can teach me in order for me to become a good Luna. I just hoped I could live up to his and his packs expectations. I frequently looked up at him and then back down to my drawing, sometimes meeting his gaze and other times catching him looking at the computer deep in focus. Finally when my drawing was nearly complete, his curiosity got the best of him and he asked, "what are you drawing over there? Anything good?" I quickly tried to cover my drawing since I didn't want him to see until I was done. "It's a surprise!" I said as I worked quickly to finish the shading. He smiled at me before continuing on his computer for a few more minutes and then shutting it off. Luckily my drawing was complete by the time he finishes and I bring it over to him hoping that he would like it. I hadn't drawn many portraits before, but I couldn't resist trying to draw his perfect jawline and defined arms. The picture only consisted of his top half since the rest of his body was hidden under his desk but I was still proud of my work. I handed him my artwork and he looked at it in awe. "Sapphire! I didn't know you could draw like this! This is amazing!" My cheeks flushed as he gushed over my artwork. I never really showed anyone what I drew, I suppose I never really had anyone to show, but to get this kind of reaction was like music to my ears.

At this point, it was nearly dinner time and we headed back down to the same table we had enjoyed the delicious spaghetti only this time it was steak with asparagus and mashed potatoes. Just like every other meal, the portion sizes were huge but I did the best that I could finishing everything. This time it was just Noah, his mom and myself at the table chatting about random topics like my artwork and other light conversation. After a short pause Noah starts to tell his mom about what he found out about my old pack and about me. At first I was nervous that she would have a bad reaction to what he was saying. What if she was scared of me now? I knew I needed to tell her that not only do I not even know how to use my powers, but I would never hurt them. Before I could speak Noah continued the story, telling his mom about what my brother said. How they locked me away until I could no longer remember or use my powers in the hopes that I could be used as a breeder for them to increase their numbers of wolves with powers. I watched his moms face change from sadness to outrage as he finished saying his words. "How could any family do that??? Oh Sapphire, I am so so sorry they will never get you back! Noah we have to make sure we increase the guards along the perimeter we have to keep her safe!" Noah answered her saying, "don't worry mom, I've already increased the patrols and added more warriors around the house." "Ok good that makes me feel better." She added. "Sapphire, you really can't remember when you had powers?" I was surprised at her question. I really didn't remember being able to do special things, believe me I would have gotten out of that house way sooner if I could have. It made me nervous that she thought I was lying and immediately answered. "I wish I remembered but I really don't know how to use them. Sometimes when I feel really strong emotions weird things would happen, but I always thought I was hallucinating because I was also so hungry." This brought a look of sadness to her face but then she made a face like she had an idea. "I've heard that people who go through traumatic things tend to have memory loss as a way to protect themselves." His mom said. "Maybe Sapphire should talk to Cordelia! She's the pack therapist and maybe she can help her remember!" I was surprised that this pack had so many doctors and focused on other aspects of health, not just physical but mental as well. Noah looked at me to see how I would react. He had a hopeful look in his eyes but I knew he would never force me to do anything I didn't want to do. "I'll talk to her. I'd love to see if she can help me remember and maybe if I learn how to use my powers I could help us defend ourselves if my pack comes looking for me again." This idea did not make Noah happy as he immediately denied my offer. "I will not be allowing you to fight Sapphire. If anything ever happens you'll be whisked to safety before anyone gets a chance to come near you." Before I could interject, his mom offered up some dessert which I happily accepted. She brought out a pint of ice cream and I grabbed a scoop after Noah grabbed his helping. By the time I finished I was basically in a food coma and me and Noah headed back to his room to start a movie. We both changed into our pjs, mine being another set of silky Victoria secret shorts and tank top and Noah's being just his boxers and we settled together into his bed. Before we started the movie Noah caressed my face and guided me so that I was looking at him. "Are you sure you want to go through with an appointment with our therapist? I know it would be good for you but I just want to make sure that you're comfortable with it." His eyes held so much love as he stared back at me awaiting my answer. "I think it would be good for me to talk to someone about what happened to me and who knows, maybe she can help me get my powers back." He looked so proud as he pulled my face closer to his until our lips were touching. The sparks running through me were indescribable as his hand moved down my cheek to the base of my neck deepening our kiss. Coming up for air, I placed my forehead on his and we just stared at each other until he broke the silence. "So what do you want to watch?" We flipped through the movies on Netflix and I only made it through the first 20 minutes before falling asleep on his chest.

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