Chapter 2

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This was the last time I would ever walk the hallways of my house. I slowly walked through the place I could never forget. I tiptoed through the hallways decorated with portraits of my brother as he aged. There were a few here and there of myself, placed there in the hopes that company wouldn't realize that I was unwanted. With my bag in hand, I shuffled out of the door into the cool morning and set off for a new life.

I debated shifting into my wolf form but knew that my body wasn't strong enough to handle the shift. Because I was so malnourished as a child, I didn't shift until my 17th birthday. Normal werewolves shift years before, some even as young as 12 years old.

I walked through the forest as the sun rose, taking deep breaths of the fresh air. This was probably the earliest I had ever been outside and I was mesmerized by the beauty of the sun as it made its way into the clouds. This would have been a beautiful scene to paint or draw. After walking for a few hours I knew that I was far enough away from my family that I could take a quick break. Saturday mornings for my family usually consisted of sleeping in and going out for breakfast so it was possible they haven't even noticed that I am not in my room. I sat at the base of a tall tree and grabbed my cereal bag for a quick pick-me-up before deciding it was time to get a move on again. 

As I continued my journey I started to get anxious once again. It was hard to think about what my future was going to look like now that I had left. If I ever decided to go back there I know I would either be killed or treated even worse than before so that was definitely not an option. If I remained pack less, I would end up being a rogue which was also not appealing. If I was able to find a pack, would they be willing to take me? I didn't have much to offer them in return for their hospitality which means that they could turn me away. My mind however started to drift to more hopeful thoughts. Over the years, I had never really let myself picture a better life because I was afraid the hope would be overbearing, but now I couldn't help but think about maybe finding my mate through this whole process. This notion made my wolf perk up a bit as she too started to have some hope that we would find our mate. I wondered what he would be like, what kind of pack he would be a part of, and what his hobbies were. Maybe he would accept me the way that I was and help me through the pain my past has caused me. If only I was that lucky, but on the inside I knew it could never be true. 

I don't know how long I was walking but I came across a clearing. At this point it had to be mid afternoon based off of where the sun was in the sky. I headed across the field and into the tree line when I heard a low growl coming from behind me and froze in my spot. "Rogue! Why have you trespassed onto our land!" Boomed a voice that had me shaking. Three men came out of the trees to find me still bruised and battered from my parents with my eyes as wide as saucers. I had never interacted with a packs fighters and I could not find the words to answer this man's question. "Answer me girl!" The first man snarled. "Your scaring her" replied the man to his right. The third man came towards me slowly, a calm expression on his face. "We need to bring her to the Alpha right away" he said.

I was frozen with fear. Alpha's are strong and I didn't know if he would punish me for being on his packs territory. My father was an alpha and I knew how he would punish someone who even seemed like a rogue if they wandered onto our territory. I had heard him gloat in the past of various torture he had put his prisoners through. I took a small step back and frighteningly said, "please no". The first man who had scared me in the first place chuckled and said "Are we seriously going to take orders from that? We should be bringing her straight the prison!" The second man gave him a nudge to the shoulder and stern look while the third man continued to approach me as if at any moment I may sprint off into the trees. I had thought about that, but I knew that my condition would not let me get that far and these men could run circles around me. The closer he got to me the more I started to panic and my sheer terror took over me and I crumpled to ground completely blacked out. Well, I guess that was a one way ticket to getting to meet the alpha. 

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