Chapter 5

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I was running. Running so fast from my father I could barely breath. "Get back here you stupid girl!" He screamed behind me as my legs begged for mercy. No matter what I couldn't stop. I fell onto a patch of leaves. He had caught me.

I was screaming as strong arms softly nudged me to wake up. "Shhhh no one is here to hurt you beautiful it's ok. " After realizing it had all been a dream I started to get nervous. " I-I'm so so sorry if I woke you up. I-I really am. I can move or leave if you want... wait how did I get on the bed? I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened I was on the floor I swear." Noah let out a low growl that made me flinch. " I would never ask you to leave. Who the hell did this to you? " I stayed quiet after he asked this question. No matter what my family put me through, they were still my family. Would Noah kill them? "Baby it's ok I'm not going to hurt you just tell me why your bruised. " As I rolled away I said " I can't tell you" you could hear the frustration as he exhaled heavily behind me, but he didn't push the issue. He leaned closer to me and said "Sapphire, I'm here to protect and love you. I need you to trust me and communicate so that I can help you. Please?" I'm so confused. Why would anyone want to protect, or even love, me? Why was he being so nice? I haven't done anything for him. "I'm sorry" was all I could muster saying. He slowly rolled out of bed and slid a t shirt and a pair of shorts on. "I have to go get a few Alpha things done, but I'll take a half day so we can talk. There's a pair of clothes right here for you and if you want to there is breakfast downstairs. Don't worry about everyone else they will love you. See you in about four hours." With that Noah left the room.

I slowly got out of the bed and crept towards the small pile of clothes. All I had been given before was a long night gown but now there lay a pair of shorts, a v-neck t- shirt, a bra, and underwear. The bra looked way to small, but the one I had was old, ripped and starting to stab me. I grabbed the clothes and put them on the counter in the bathroom so I could start changing.

My body was so stiff as I started to remove the clothes I was wearing. Looking at myself in the mirror I saw all the marks on my skin and realized how much of a mess I was. Most of the other bruises on my arms and legs were starting to fade into the yellow-brown color that means it's healing but the one on my face was still a bright purple. A single tear fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away and pulled myself together. I knew that sooner or later I would need to have a conversation with Noah about my family but I was so nervous. He seemed like he really wanted to protect me but how far would be go to eradicate the problem. I still have an attachment to them even though they treated me so horribly. I know that that seems pretty crazy and I hope that one day I don't feel this way anymore but right now it's hard for me to think about them being ripped apart.

I pulled on the soft fabric of the shirt after already putting on the shorts. I stepped out of the bathroom and didn't know what to do. Should I go downstairs? I was rather hungry, but I didn't want to overstep my boundaries so I sat by a window in his room and daydreamed about nothingness.


After stepping into my office I knew I would not be able to stay focused. My wolf was fixated on the idea of marking her, but I knew that could prove detrimental to her in this state. I really hoped she would go downstairs and eat something, but I knew deep down that she wouldn't. In due time she would tell me who hurt her. I have a feeling it was her family. As sick and twisted as that is, if it had been someone else she might be more willing to give up their secrets.

After two hours of work I decided I needed to be with Sapphire more than this paperwork needed to get done. I reached Seth through the pack link 'I'm done for the day if you need me I'll be with Sapphire' 'okey dokey boss' he replied. I walked through the halls greeting everyone who passed by while also dismissing their questions about their Luna. She was not ready to meet everyone yet.

I decided to go downstairs into the kitchen to grab a plate of food for her, soon realizing that I know nothing about this girl! I didn't know what to grab for her to eat because I have no idea what she likes. I decided to just grab a little bit of everything some eggs, bacon, a pancake, and some breakfast potatoes hoping that she would like at least something on the plate. I grabbed two forks before heading upstairs to see what she was upto.

I slowly turned the knob to my door, making sure not to startle her. She was sitting with her knees to her chest on the floor looking out the window. How could someone who looked so sad, be so beautiful. Her thin frame was counter balanced with her massive chest that seemed to be to big for the bra we provided her. I couldn't wait to spoil her with clothes and anything else that her little heart desires.

She looked up at me with a mix of fear and uncertainty and I couldn't help but whimper. I just wanted her to love me and trust me and know that I was on her side. I would do anything for her, even if that meant risking my life. Someday she will understand.

Authors note

Hi everyone! Im so sorry for the wait I've been super busy all the time but I hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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