Chapter 14

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A few days had gone by in a blur as I anxiously awaited my appointment with Cordelia. She unfortunately didn't have anything available until this afternoon so I spent the last few days getting more used to being in a real pack. Noah has been very preoccupied with his alpha duties and it gave me plenty of time to get to know his sister better. She was a firecracker full of opinions, but she helped make the days go by much faster. Today however, I wouldn't be spending much time with her because of the appointment I had. I desperately wanted to be able to remember the things from my past but I was also afraid. There must have been a reason why my body decided to forget all those years ago. I pondered all the possibilities as I sat in bed waiting for Noah to come and get me. There was no way I'd be able to eat lunch until after the appointment but I would try and keep that a secret before Noah got upset. I started watching a movie and before I knew it there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in" I answered, hoping it was Noah since I was still in my pajamas. My prayers were answered and my mate walked through the door causing my heart rate to increase slightly as my stomach filled with butterflies. I wonder if this would ever get old. Seeing him just made me so happy and I truly hoped we would feel the same way for years to come. Noah came over and sat on the bed. "Your appointments in a about an hour but we have to drive over there. Do you think you can be ready in 30 minutes?" He asked. "Of course!" I say as I lean over and kiss his cheek. I roll out of the comfortable bed and proceed to my new dresser where I choose a nice pair of jeans and sweat shirt and carry them to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I tried not to start overthinking as the hot water ran over my body. I was so nervous but I needed to remain calm. I needed my mate to know that I was strong and hopefully this appointment could prove to him that I would be a good Luna, or at least that I had the potential to be. I got out of the shower, got dressed, and headed back into the bedroom to meet Noah so that we could hit the road.

The trees whizzed by as we drove down the twisty roads of the packs territory. I didn't realize how much land they really owned, but now seeing that it takes nearly 20 minutes just to get to the doctors offices, proved to me that they must have tons more land than my old pack did. I never really got to enjoy much of the outside world before coming here and even just looking at the houses and other buildings was fun for me. We slide into one of the parking spots next to this giant building that looked like it was made purely of glass and walked inside. It looked like a fancy office building with a receptionist sitting at the front desk and a directory near the elevator. There must have been at least ten floors all of which contained different names and doctors with various specialties. Everyone we passed by bowed their head as we made our way to the receptionist. "We're here to see Cordelia" Noah stated. "Yes she's expecting you. Go up to the third floor and you'll see the signs from there." The receptionist said softly, not wanting to disrespect the Alpha. The elevator doors close and that's when the panic begins to set in. I really had no idea what to expect or what I would remember and the nerves were getting the best of me. Noah could sense my increasing discomfort as the numbers chimed closer to our destination. He grabbed my hand and drew little circles on the back of mine with his thumb. "Everything is going to be fine Sapphire, I'll be with you the entire time." I was able to slightly relax knowing he wouldn't leave. We made our way to her office and Noah knocked on the door. "Come in!" We heard from the other side.

The room was huge with a large desk towards the right side of the room and a couch with a chair on the other side. The decor was extremely welcoming with plants all around and some interesting abstract art. "Hi you must be Sapphire! I'm Dr. Cordelia Brown but you can just call me Cordelia. I'm so excited to get to know you, why don't you both go have a seat on the couch." Noah guided me over to the couch and we sat down on the squishy cushions. Cordelia walks over with a notepad and sits in the chair across from the couch. "So Alpha Noah already briefed me on what this appointment is about, but I'd love to hear what you can remember Sapphire. Just do your best and we can work from there." I looked up an Noah hesitantly and then began to tell my story. "Like you said, I can't really remember much from when I was really young. I can vaguely remember being able to go play outside but that's really it. After that its just me alone in my room most of the time other then when I went to school or when they punished me." I could feel Noah tense up when I mentioned punishment. "Do you remember how they punished you?" How could I forget. My body was covered in the scars they had caused. "They would mostly hit me when I did something that they didn't like. My mother has only ever pulled a knife of me once or twice. Their most used punishment was not letting me eat." You could almost hear then tension in Noah's jaw as he clenched it so tightly. Cordelia had a sad look in her eyes but remained as professional as possible. "Alpha, are you sure you want to remain in the session?" Noah nodded at her so she continued. "I'm sorry to hear what happened to you back then. I think we should try an exercise in remembering to see if you can recall anything else." She moves to a corner of the office to retrieve a metronome which she places on the coffee table in front of us. It begins to tick and that's when she starts talking. "Alright Sapphire, close your eyes and take three deeps breaths. As you do so begin to relax your body starting from the crown of your head and working your way down to your arms, and then your torso, your legs, and even down to your toes." Her voice was calm as she continued to guide me through the meditation until I drifted off into the unconscious of my mind.

My eyes seemed to open in a small field next to a creek. As I walked forward I was met with two small children, neither of them older than 5 years old. The closer I got, I began to realize that not only did I know the little girl by the creek, but that it was me. I was accompanied by a small boy who I barely recognized. "Thomas watch this!" My little voice excitedly screamed as young me used her hand movements to lift water out of the creek to over his head. "Don't do it!" He shrieked as he ran away, the bubble of water chasing him until little me got bored and dropped it next to him. I watched as the two children laughed hysterically for what felt like 10 whole minutes. "Watch what I can do!" Thomas said, hoping to impress the young me that watched him with eager eyes. Thomas closed his eyes and pointed his hands at the dirt, concentrating as hard as he could until the beginnings of a tree began to grow. Little me was so impressed that she ran over and hugged Thomas. "Do you think you could teach me how to set it on fire?" Thomas asked looking at little me with hope in his eyes. The look that came across my face resembled that of apprehension but little me decided to go through with it. As she was walking him through the steps, a giant fireball exploded from her hands without warning, landing on his arm causing him to scream with panic. Little me frantically started crying and used the water from the creek to put out the flames.

In the blink of an eye I was in the basement of my childhood home. This was where the punishments would take place if I did something really bad. I found my younger self chained to the wall, pleading with my parents. "Please I didn't mean to hurt him!" I cried knowing that my powers were too strong for someone who didn't know how to use them. "Sapphire, you've been a bad girl and you deserve to be punished." She said as he punched me in the stomach. My dad stood in the background saying nothing while my mother continued to hit me until I lay limp against the chains. "She is far more powerful than I could have ever imagined." He said as my mom walked towards him. "I know but we can use her to our advantage, we just have to control her first." My mother said with a gleam in her eye.

I was jolted awake by the sound of my mates voice, covered in a thin layer of sweat. Well, I had some explaining to do.

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