Chapter 6

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Sapphire's POV

I looked up at Noah with fear. I didn't know what was going to happen and that made me so nervous. Was he going to tell me he hated me? Was he going to send me away to be a rogue by myself? All of these thoughts brought a tear to my eye. I couldn't help being extremely hurt by the thought of being rejected by my mate. My wolf whimpered inside me at the mere thought of not being with him. Noah's face softened as he crept closer towards me. "Sapphire, please tell me what your feeling. I hate not knowing what happened to you but I will let you tell me that on your own time. Please talk to me" I stared at him in awe. While battling my own thoughts I didn't even realize he was holding a plate piled so high with food until he placed it down on one of the dressers. He was begging me to talk to him. I mustered up the courage to reply. "I'm sorry that I can't be everything that you need" I turned away not wanting him to see the tears that flowed down my cheeks. I was so overwhelmed. Two days ago I had woken up on an old, dusty mattress, and was hurt by my own family for taking a piece of toast. This morning I woke up on a clean bed with sheets that were softer that anything I had ever felt before with a man before me that wanted to love and take care of me. My family had always told me that I would never find someone to love me especially not an Alpha. It was so much change I just didn't know what to do with myself.

"Hey don't cry" Noah said as he slowly got closer to me. He sat down next to me and waited for me to begin talking again. However before I could say anything my stomach took the lead and growled loudly. I looked up at him as my cheeks started to get pink. Noah laughed softly "I suppose you're a bit hungry huh? I brought some food from downstairs but I didn't know what you liked so I brought as many things as I could fit on the plate. If there's something else you want please let me know, I want you to feel welcome here and get everything that you want." I didn't know what to say to him. "I'll eat anything" I finally said. Noah got up from the floor and grabbed the plate and forks from the dresser.

Looking at the plate more closely I was in awe by just how much food was there. The pancake looked like something I had seen on tv with the perfect amount of syrup and a small square of butter on top. The eggs were so fluffy and there was even bacon on the plate! I couldn't believe it it looked so good. Noah placed the plate in front of me and handed me a fork. I sheepishly grabbed it from his hand and looked at him as if asking for permission. "Go ahead Sapphire it's ok. I even brought a fork for myself incase you can't finish." The sentiment of him bringing a utensil for himself made me feel a lot better because I didn't want to waste any of the delicious looking food that was in front of me. I grabbed some egg onto my fork and ate it. My eyes widened by how good they were. I understand it's just eggs but they were perfectly seasoned and just the right texture as if a chef had made it. I started trying everything on the plate taking my time to enjoy it because the flavors were just so great. After finishing as much as I could I placed the fork down on the plate and Noah happily grabbed his fork and finished the rest. "Thank you so much Noah" I said quietly, hoping he understood how grateful I was. This was probably the biggest plate of food I had ever even seen and to think it was mine specially brought to me was an indescribable feeling.

"Sapphire, can I ask you something?" "sure" I replied, already in fear of what he might ask. "Back where you came from, were you allowed to eat?" This question caught me off guard. Even my own mother never cared enough to ask if I had eaten. I shook my head which induced a low growl from Noah. I tried not to flinch because I knew it would hurt his feelings, but I couldn't help it. "I'm sorry" was all I could say. I knew that my answer made him upset but I couldn't lie to him. He seemed so genuine and I really needed to muster up the courage to trust him. "It's ok Sapphire I just want to know everything about you, the good and the bad. But I'll wait until you're ready." After a few minutes of silence Noah got up and said "I have an idea, care to join me?" as he held out his hand. I slowly reached for his and our adventure began.

Authors Note: Hey guys! It has been a very very long time since I have updated. I am so sorry about the wait. I should be able to update more often. Please let me know what you think by voting or leaving a comment. Enjoy!!

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