Chapter 10

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Noah's POV

I looked into the cell to see a man of pretty average build. The only part of his body that stood out was a tribal tattoo on his right shoulder. I know I had seen that symbol before but could not recall where. He surprisingly looked a lot like Sapphire which made me sick to my stomach. How could someone so brutal and tough be related so closely to someone so frail and sensitive? "So you're the Alpha, huh, didn't know they let anyone take that job these days. You have Sapphire here don't you?" I growled loudly. It's one thing to insult my Alpha status, but this man has already hurt Sapphire enough, he has no right to ask about her. "Why are you here?" I asked, trying to get him to answer. To my surprise, he started laughing! I tried not to let my anger show. Showing him that I cared would just make an interrogation much more difficult than it had to be. I looked at my men and said, "The only thing this man is allowed to eat is bread and water twice a day, if he doesn't want to talk, we will make him want to talk." As I started to walk away he started to talk again. "If you want me to talk, maybe you should read up on my pack. That might give you a clue as to why I'm here." I continued to walk away but paused for a second. What could that mean? I turned around again, "what are you talking about?" I asked sounding a little more intrigued than I meant to. The wolf laughed once again and said "I guess my sister hasn't told you yet, or maybe she doesn't even know. We tried to give that little bitch as little knowledge as possible but who knows what she could have heard through the walls." At that point my blood was boiling. I looked at one of the prisoners and gave him the signal that it was totally fine for him to hurt this prisoner and walked out. I couldn't believe the audacity this wolf had and to think that he was my mates brother was sickening! What could he possibly have meant about his pack? My father had journals that I stashed away when he died. Maybe there would be some sort of clue in those books. I made my way to the pack house with purpose ignoring the people I passed as the thoughts of what he meant swirled through my head. I made it to my office and shut the door. I pulled a box from the top shelf of my closet and ruffled through the various books until I saw one with the symbol that was on the shoulder of the man confined to my dungeon.

Sapphire's POV

Noah had left to go deal with my brother and there was nothing I could do. I had seen my brother fight before and he was always the one that walked away. I knew Noah could handle it, but it still makes me nervous. A soft knock on the door helped me escape from my thoughts. "come in" I replied, hoping that it would be Noah. I was happy to see that it was Noah's mom and another girl standing with her. "Hi Sapphire, how are you feeling?" his mother asked. I was filled with warmth when I realized that she genuinely cared about what I was going through. "I'm feeling ok, just a little rest-less" I said. "Well this is Noah's sister Jessica and she was wondering if maybe you wanted to go shopping with her? You don't really have any clothes of your own but there's a mall not to far from here and you can pick out anything that you want." "Oh my goodness yes!" I said. This is the first time I would be going out on a shopping spree and I was getting really excited.  I climbed out of bed as his sister said, "Come on, girly let's go!"

We walked around the mall for hours going into every single store. Jessica helped me pick out so many outfits and was there every step of the way to make sure I was comfortable and not getting to overwhelmed. Everything was going very smoothly until we reached Victorias Secrets. "Come on you have to get underwear and new bras!" I looked sheepishly at Jessica. I don't know a single thing about bras or what underwear looks cute. I was never given this sort of attention. Jessica proceeded to drag me in and pick out tons of different clothing items, some of them with more fabric than others. As we were taking inventory of my bags I stopped dead in my tracks. How was I supposed to pay them back? I have no money! I should probably offer to work in the kitchen or something to make up for all the clothes that we have in our bags. Jessica notices the concerned look on my face as I'm looking at our hands and instantly knows what I'm concerned about. "Sapphire, don't worry about the money! Noah would do anything to make you happy and there's no way in hell he'll even let you think about paying him back!" My cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink and I smiled at her, so thankful that she was able to calm me down. Jessica realized that there were no more stores left so we decided to head back to the pack house.

Noah's POV

I flipped through this journal hoping to find some sort of clue as to why Sapphires brother would be here for her after everything that her family has put her though. There wasn't anything interesting in this journal so far. There were some coordinates, a few lists of higher ranking members, and the occasional drawing of a weird tribal symbol. I started to get really frustrated. This book was my only hope at learning what could be the key to why Sapphire is in so much danger. This journal was supposed to give me the clue I needed. As I started to lose hope, I flipped to the end of the journal and to my surprise found something that completely changed my plan of action.

"The Blood Shadow pack is one I may never see again. After speaking with them and watching their ways, I have realized something no one else knows about this pack. This pack has been around for centuries, hoarding their young away until they were old enough to understand what was going on. They had control of the elements. I noticed it throughout my stay in their pack. I watched as people controlled the water that flowed through their lake, or people that would light their own fires at night with their hands. There were never food shortages because the people had the ability to grow their own. This is why this pack has stayed around for so long. They are dangerous and I plan on never getting involved with them again."

I think this might be what he wanted to talk about.

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