Chapter 11

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Noah's POV

I left the office feeling overwhelmed. I didn't know whether to speak to Sapphire first or to go straight to her brother. Without warning, I get a message through the pack link, "Alpha, our prisoner is trying to escape, you might want to try talking to him again." And just like that, my decision was made. I quickly made my way to the dungeons hearing the chains clinking as i got closer and closer. "Well, well, well, look who decided to come back? Finally decided you wanted a piece of this?" Sapphire's brother said with a smirk. I could see that his eye was slightly bruised meaning one my guards roughed him up a bit. "You're lpack, you can control the elements" I said hoping that he might explain more. "Ah so you've figured it out, I guess you are smarter than I thought. You see, for centuries my pack could control all sorts of things. There were people that could move the water, people that could control plants and the earth, people that could control fire, and even people who could control the wind. However, as the years passed, the people in our pack decided to start branching out of the pack and marrying other people. That is how the offspring became more "normal". Within the last 50 years our pack has lost all of these abilities entirely and my father, the alpha is trying to get these powers back." Sapphire's brother explained this to me as I listened in awe. I never knew that a pack like this could exist. It also made me nervous because as strong as we were, I didn't know if we were ready to fight a pack that had so much strength. "But what does this have to do with Sapphire?" I asked, wondering why they would come back for her after hearing all of the stories. "She is a very special girl. She was born when I was 6 and even back then I can remember her using her powers. She had all the elemental powers, I'm not even sure there was a single power she didn't have. She could move water and wind, grow her own flowers, cook her own food with fire that came straight from her hands. After discovering this my father was terrified that she could become too powerful, potentially overthrowing his reign, so he hid her away. He didn't allow her to eat full meals or socialize with anyone, so much so that she lost the ability to even use her powers at all. She lost them before she even knew they existed but we need her back. I never inherited any of the powers so I can't continue the bloodline the same way that she can. So the sooner we get her back, the sooner she can be placed in an arranged marriage and we can finally get our powers back. She is the key to getting our pack back the way it was" At this point I was so angry I couldn't breath. For a father to purposefully prevent their child from reaching their full potential is childish and horrifying. I also couldn't fathom the thought of my Sapphire married to someone else, forced to have countless children in the hopes to make a pack stronger. All of these thoughts gave me a bad taste in my mouth and I needed to get out of here. I looked her brother straight in the eyes and said "Under no circumstances will you be getting Sapphire back", and I stormed off as he cackled and exclaimed, "Just wait until they come looking for me!" I knew the would come soon but I couldn't help but be slightly happy about the opportunity to rip them all apart.

Sapphire's POV

By the time Jessica and I arrived back at the house, Noah was still busy. She helped me carry my many bags up into his bedroom and invited me to dinner with the rest of her family. I agreed, ignoring the nerves that started to take over my body and we set off for the dining room where there were already a few people eating. They were having spaghetti with garlic bread and it all smelled so delicious. I had never smelled food like this before, it was clearly homemade and I could not wait to try some. I recognized the man who picked me up that day in the forest, Seth who smiled at me as I sat down at the table. No sooner than my butt hit the chair, Noah's mom handed me a ginormous helping of spaghetti and 3 whole pieces of garlic bread. I sat there wide eyed, not too sure what to do as everyone else happily dived into their plates. I sat there twirling my fork into the pasta and trying to eat as much as I could. Because I wasn't used to eating that much I got full very quickly, but I tried to eat more as to not disappoint Noah's Mom. His whole family was so nice to me, and I was afraid of upsetting them. I didn't know everyone who sat at the table with us but it consisted of Seth, Noah's mom, his sister, and the two other men who were in the forest with Seth when he found me. They were too busy eating their food that they didn't pay much attention to me making my dinner much less awkward. I did however find that I have a love for garlic bread, and finished my portion of that. I finally see Noah come through the door and my stomach instantly fluttered. He saw me as the table and smiled. "Hey everyone, whats going one?" he said. Noah's mom excitedly said, " Sapphire joined us for some dinner! and Jess also took her shopping, I'm not too sure how much damage has been done, but I'm sure they had fun!" Jessica, looking playfully shoked said, "damage?! no damage was done! she looks amazing thanks to my expertise!" Noah looked at me again to ensure that I seemed comfortable and said, "I think I'm going to save Sapphire from her spaghetti mountain, here left me finish that." I handed him my plate giving him a thankful nod and he surprisingly added another scoop of spaghetti and sat down next to me. A few minutes later the whole plate was cleared! I'm still amazed how much these guys can eat! After helping Noah's mom clear the table, Noah comes closer to me and says, "Are you ready to go back upstairs?" I nodded my head and followed him to his room, remembering that I had left the bags on the floor. I panicked running into the room and picking up all the bags off of the floor, "I am so so sorry about the mess I didn't mean to leave them all over the floor, Jessica helped me carry them up and I didn't know what to do with them." Noah started grabbing the bags out of my hand, "Sapphire, there's no need to worry its ok, I am going to get an extra dresser so you can fit all of your clothes, that way you will always have space." I was so relieved that he didn't care and asked shyly, "Do you want to see what I bought?"

Noah's POV

It was so cute seeing her try on all of her new outfits. I could tell that she was very excited to have some new clothes. I watched her as she came in and out of the bathroom, each time in a new shirt or pants and even a few dresses, looking cuter and cuter each time. Most of the shirts seemed to be flowery, and I took a mental note of that so that I could show her the gardens and buy her flowers. Finally we come to the last bag, but this one was from Victoria's Secret. She saw it and started to blush, which was probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen. "You don't have to try these on in front of me, its ok." "Ok" she said, as she set the bag aside. She did however, grab the night shorts and shirt from that bag and changed into them. The silky shorts hugged her small frame in a flattering way, which made my wolf purr. She climbed into my bed and snuggled closer to me than ever before which made me very happy. As I looked around the room I noticed her backpack was still sitting in the corner on the floor. "Hey Sapphire, what's in your backpack?" I asked curiously. She had made sure she still had it when she first got here and I never got around to asking her why it was so important. I watched as her face turned red and she looked away and said "oh it's nothing." But by the look on her face I knew it had to be something important. "Just tell me babe I'm not going to judge you." She looks up and me and says, "well before I left my old house I grabbed my stuffed bear that I got when I was a kid. I know it's kinda stupid but I like to have it with me, it's comforting." I think that was one of the cutest things I have ever heard and this bear was probably one of the only things she owned as a child so no wonder it meant so much to her! I looked at her lovingly and said, "do you want me to get it for you?" She looked shocked but nodded anyways so I went and grabbed her backpack for her to grab the bear that she brought with her. She seemed so content as she snuggled into me with her bear nearby. I could totally get used to this, I loved how comfortable she was getting around me and how close she was to me right now.

The things that I learned today weighed on my mind heavily. I couldn't believe that she had such strong powers, and didn't even know about them. This infuriated me, but now I needed to be the one to tell her. I was about to open my mouth to speak when I heard a very soft snore and knew that now wasn't the time. I pulled her closer and drifted into my own deep sleep.

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