Chapter 18

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Sapphires POV

I opened my eyes to see a large field in front of me. Where am I? I questioned in my head as I cautiously began to look around. Little fluffy bees buzzed around the patches of wildflowers and I could hear the melodious chirping of birds as I trekked on through the field. I smiled as I felt the warmth from the sun on my cheeks as the grass around me seemed to grow taller by the minute. I could still see through it and the further I got I realized something, or someone, was watching me. As the fear started rolling in, so did the stormy clouds and they darkened the sky making me more nervous. I realized it was brother, watching and waiting for me to come close enough to pounce. I stood still, waiting for the fear to completely paralyze me, but instead my body began to tingle like an electrode was attached to me somewhere. I looked at my hands as tiny sparks cascaded out of them like my power was oozing out of me and before I knew it, the largest lightening bolt struck the earth between myself and him with a loud crack.

I gasped as I shot out of bed, my breath slightly labored as I recalled the dream I was just having. I looked beside the bed and saw a blackened stain the carpet as if the lightening strike had been real. Did I really do that?? I didn't even know I was capable of doing that and now I might have ruined the rug! My body was still tingling, my power surging within me. I was starting to believe that maybe Noah's marking helped me unlock some of my potential. In my dream confusion, I never realized Noah wasn't in the room with me. This was the first time in a long time that I didn't wake up to him snuggling up to me and my heart sank. He had marked me last night meaning he didn't want to reject me, but the intrusive thoughts began to swirl in my head about him leaving on purpose and regretting yesterdays actions. I glanced at my bedside table and saw a piece of paper, "Sapphire" written messily on it. I grabbed the piece of paper hastily and unfolded it praying it wouldn't be a letter asking me to leave. "Good morning my love, I'm so sorry I had to leave you this morning, I got some alarming pack links from some of my warriors saying they had seen some rogues. I'll be dealing with this for a while today, but I'll make sure that I make it up to you later. In the meantime, I set up a meeting with one of our meditation specialists. She teaches yoga and has lots of training in breathwork, meditation, and reiki. I know we've tried the doctor route, but I want to see if maybe she can help you harness some more of your power since last night seemed to maybe help make you stronger. I'm procrastinating a bit now because I don't want to leave your cute sleeping self, but I must go. I love you so much princess and I can't wait to hear about your day over dinner tonight. -Noah.

I couldn't help but smile at the last line of that letter. I was a little worried about the potential rogues actually being members of my dads pack, but I tried to set that aside as I looked for something to wear. I checked the time and realized it was already 11am so I headed to the kitchen to see what was available from breakfast. I found one bagel left and settled into a chair while I covered it in cream cheese, deciding what I would do before my meditation meeting. I had never done anything like that before, but maybe it would help. I decided, since I had only a small amount of time, that I would sit on the couch in the living room and watch some TV until my appointment.

Before I knew it there was a knock on the door. I got up from couch and opened the door to reveal a tall slender women and wavy hair wrapped in a scarf. She was carrying two yoga mats and smiled at me, "you must be Sapphire, my name is Rachel! I can't wait to get started!" I smiled back as I moved out of the way for her to enter. "It's so nice to meet you. Noah told me this morning that he set this up, but I'm going to warn you I've never done yoga before." I said hoping she wouldn't judge me too hard. "Oh don't be silly! Yoga is for everyone! I'm sure you're better than you think!" We each grabbed a water from the kitchen and headed to the backyard. It was a beautiful day outside and we each set up our mats. I sat down at the front of my mat and watched as she removed the backpack she was wearing that I had never even noticed. She removed a bunch of shiny bowls and oils from it and placed them around her mat which was positioned a few feet in front of mine. When she finally sat down she began to speak. "We're going to begin by sitting in a comfortable seat and closing our eyes." I did as she said and continued to listen as she guided me through my first ever yoga class. There were a few poses that I was a little wobbly but I kept going and realized that I really enjoyed it. The last part of the class was a meditation where I was laying flat on the mat. Rachel began tapping the bowls to create a soothing melody that flooded my ears as she guided me through the meditation. The louder the song bowls got, the more energy I could feel flowing through to my finger tips and I glanced down to see what I had seen in the dream I had had just hours ago. Sparks were falling from my hands which Rachel had just noticed as well. She was trying to hide her uneasiness and continued to guide me through. "Join me in taking three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. You can do this while guiding yourself into a comfortable seat, palms facing up." I did as I was told, calming my nerves with the deep breaths. "Feel your energy flow through you like a calm stream. Guide it within you to flow freely while still keeping control." I tried to control the flow of energy as it felt like it was bursting out of me, but the flow of my breathing helped tone it down. I opened my eyes and the tiny sparks were still coming from my hand but as I strengthened my breathing I was able to Channel the sparks into one holding two bolts of lightening steady in my hands. "Good job Sapphire! Now try and release them into the bushes!" I turned away from my teacher and fired my palms at the bush. In a burst of energy my lightening struck the plant and it burst into flames. I looked at Rachel with wide eyes as she ran to the shed to grab the hose. She sprayed the bush to put out the flame and smiled at me. "That was amazing! You were able to use your energy and direct it where you needed it." "Yeah I guess but I feel bad I ruined that bush." I said sadly as the bush still sat there smoking. I walked towards it and touched the leaves closing my eyes and channeling the energy once more, using deep breaths to stabilize myself. I could feel in my fingers that something was happening but I didn't allow myself to break concentration. I started to feel the prickle of new life and before I knew it the bush was not only completely alive but double the size! I stepped back eyeing my creation and Rachel ran to me and gave me a hug. "I can't believe it! Look what you're capable of! Noah is going to be so proud of you!" I chuckled, proud of myself too for finally being able to have some control over my powers.

We made our way back inside, had a snack, and then she said her goodbyes until our next lesson which I learned would be next week. I could not wait to tell Noah what I did today I just hoped everything was going ok with his situation.

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