Chapter 17

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Sapphire's POV

After both getting a chance to clean ourselves up, we decided to have a pretty relaxing afternoon. Lunch was a delicious Mac and cheese that I seriously thought I could eat every day and despite our slight food comas, we decided to play some board games with Noah's sister Jessica. She was more than thrilled to spend some time with us and she chose a multitude of games. Over the span of four hours we were able to play uno, trouble, and even started a game of monopoly but that ended in far too much arguing between the two siblings. I was thankful of how patient they were as they tried to teach me how to play since I was never given the chance to do these things before.

Dinner time came and the three of us walked over to the table, Noah and Jessica still arguing. "You totally had waayyy too much money, I knew we couldn't trust you as the banker!" Noah said, taking this all very seriously. "Maybe you just don't know how to count! And I'm quite the responsible banker I might add" Jessica said. "You two need to simmer down, it's just a game!" Noah and Jessica's mom said as she sat down at the table. The spread of food was already sitting there waiting and I let out a soft chuckle as I watched the two of them sit down at the table and glare at each other as if they were having an argument about something extremely serious. A piece of me felt sad that I'd never be able to have this with my brother, but my sadness was overpowered by the joy I felt to be part of this family. I finally felt like I was healing from the trauma that was holding me back. My past was just that, the past and I needed to carry on forward and enjoy the life I was being given. We passed the veggies around the table and tonight's main entree was salmon. I had never tried it before but it all smelled so good, as usual. His mom made light conversation with us talking about her day and then asked us about ours. Noah told her about our run and how I was able to use my powers on the plants in her garden. "Oh my goodness!! That's so good to hear!! That means you're getting stronger Sapphire!" My cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink at the praise she was giving me. It was so refreshing to hear someone other than Noah seem proud of me. "Does that mean you can fix the plants in my room? I'm not the best plant mom." Jessica said. I laughed, "I hope someday but I think my powers might be spent for now." I said looking a bit more disappointed then I meant to. Noah grabbed my hand and squeezed it as reassurance that I was still doing well despite the fact that I still didn't have total control of my powers.

After some more conversation about random things we helped clean up dinner and headed to the bedroom. I felt my tired legs as I walked up the stairs and couldn't wait to jump into that comfy bed. We made it in the room and both of us immediately got into our pjs before snuggling up on the covers. Noah turned so that he was facing me as I laid on my back staring up at him. He placed his hand lovingly on my face caressing my cheek as he stared into my eyes. "I'm so so proud of you Sapphire. You've made so much progress and my whole pack already loves you. I'm so happy you're my mate and my Luna, we are going to be a great team." My heart swelled at the thought of us ruling his pack together, I just hoped I could be the best Luna for him. Noah leaned in closer to me, his closeness sending tingles throughout my entire body and before I knew it his lips crashed into mine. Our mouths moved to the same rhythm as our tongues danced together, each of us making soft noises of pleasure as his hand traveled down to my waist. He moved his lips away from mine and a soft whimper escaped my throat at the loss of heat from my mouth, but in an instant he began to trail kisses down to the base of my neck. The quick peck he placed on the sweet spot where my mark would be made me shudder and the more he kissed and sucked brought waves of pleasure I had never experienced. He gently pulled away looking at me in a way of asking permission I nodded, my nerves kicking in as he pulled me closer and started kissing harder. My heart thundered in my chest as he once again neared the spot on my neck that would show the world who claimed me and with a quick release of his fangs, he sank them into my neck. The pain quickly turned to pleasure as I moaned his name. I felt my fangs begin to show themselves as I was able to plunge them into the spot on his neck. We stayed together in a few moments of pure bliss before releasing each other.

Once I was able to think I noticed that my arms and legs started to tingle. I sat up in the bed not understanding this feeling and Noah looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Sapphire what's wrong are you ok? Did I hurt you?" I felt like I had a ball of energy in me that needed to be released as if him marking me had released the flood gates of my power. I looked to the nightstand and saw a glass of water. Noah stood up off the bed and came to crouch in front of my side looking at me with the most concern in his face. Before he could say anything again I reached my hand out towards the water and half of the water in the glass levitated out of it. We both watched as I moved the water out of the cup and through the air until it made its way to Noah's head. I released it and the water dropped onto his head making me burst into laughter. "Hey!! What the heck was that for!" Noah said shaking the water out of his hair like a wet dog "Now that's payback for the River incident." I said triumphantly as he walked to the bathroom to grab a towel. Noah began to chuckle himself as he came closer to me. "I can't even be mad I'm so proud of you Sapphire." He climbed back into bed and I leaned closer to him. "Do you think that marking me helped release some of my powers?" I asked him curiously. "I'm not sure love, but it kinda seems that way." He said as he pulled me closer.

We sat there in a content silence as we both fell into a deep sleep.

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