Chapter 19

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Noah's POV

I had been working endlessly trying to find the rogues that had entered the borders. I was afraid that they were members of Sapphire's old pack, so I added more security around the prison where her brother was still held. There was no way I was giving him back, but I was sure they would be looking for him. It was late afternoon and the sky was starting to look golden as I walked further through my territory. It was starting to get late and my heart aches for Sapphire's company. The mate bond had grown so much stronger after marking her and all I wanted was to go back to her. After calling a few more of my men to patrol, I succumbed to my feeling of longing and made my way back to the pack house where my spare shorts were still lying in their usual spot. I could smell the food from my spot in the trees beckoning me to come inside since I hadn't eaten all day.

Walking through the door I walked past the kitchen and went to find Sapphire who was sitting on the couch playing a board game with some of the younger wolves in the pack. She was going to make such an amazing Luna. She was so kind and patient with them as I secretly watched and I was mesmerized by the way she was able to handle them. Young wolves could be hard to handle but she was doing a great job getting them to play the game without being rough when they lost. She finally looked behind her and caught my eye, her face lighting up as she ran up to me and kissed it. It caught me by surprise, but I immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. She blushed as she pulled away, "I missed you today." My heart warmed when she said this, making my stomach flutter as I caressed her face with my hand. "I missed you too baby" I said as I kissed her forehead.

We walked together over to the table and my mom and sister joined us once again for a meal. We settled in, passing the mashed potatoes around the table and Jessica gasped as if she had seen something horrible. "YOU GUYS MARKED EACH OTHER!" She screeched happily. Sapphire's face was beat red and I chuckled as I held her hand. "We did Jessica stop freaking out." "I'm so happy for you guys!" My mom said as she smiled at the both of us, a touch of sadness in her eyes as she probably thought about the bond between her and my father.

After the outburst, we all ate quietly, exchanging small talk until finally I said to Sapphire, "So, I wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted to go on a real date with me? We haven't ever been out to dinner yet and I'd love to treat you." Her poor face flushed once more looking at me, a surprised look on her face. "Of course I would! I've never been on a date before!" My wolf purred at the thought that she was truly all mine. "Does that mean we get to go shopping for an outfit tomorrow!!!" Jessica exclaimed. "I suppose it does but I'll be giving the credit card to Sapphire this time, I can't trust you." Jessica pouted and Sapphire chuckled to herself as we cleaned off our plates and headed up to our bedroom.

"I almost forgot, how was your yoga class today?" Sapphire had a happy look on her face as she started explaining what had happened. "Well Rachel was able to help me harness some of my power through meditation! We did a whole yoga class before that I kinda sucked at, but the meditation really helped and I was able to strike one of the bushes with lightening!" She said excitedly. "But don't worry I made it grow more leaves to hide the damage." She said with a slight tone of worry like I would be upset. "Oh and by the way I might have ruined the carpet." I looked at her in confusion as she led me over to a blackened spot on the rug. She looked really sad as we looked at it and I immediately burst into laughter. Sapphire gave me a surprised look before she too started laughing. "Sapphire Im so happy that you're getting better with your powers, even if you're using them indoors. Maybe next time, try something more easily cleanable." I said jokingly. "It was an accident!" She said trying not to chuckle herself. "I know baby it's ok." I said as I pulled her to me and kissed her gently. Our tongues danced together as I deepened the kiss, picking her up and moving to a chair where she sat on top of me. I moved my hands up and down her back as she tangled her fingers through my hair. I growled softly wanting so badly to tear all of her clothes off and claim her completely as mine. I knew she wasn't ready so I started to slow our kiss so I wouldn't get too excited. I pulled my lips from hers and looked into her loving eyes. I've never felt so drawn to another person before. I know it's the mate bond, but I've never felt so in love, as if she could do nothing wrong. "I love you" she said softly pulled me into a hug. "I love you too babe" I said as I stood from the chair and carried her to bed. We settled in together getting comfortable as I played with her hair until she fell asleep.

Sapphire's pov

The morning light peaked through the curtains as our day began. I was so excited for my date with Noah tomorrow night, but first I had to get through shopping with Jessica. Noah pulled me just a little closer as I started stretching and said, "good morning beautiful, are you ready to be tortured by my sister?" I laughed out loud not expecting the insult to his sister and said, "of course I am, who wouldn't want to try on a million outfits?" We both giggled but didn't make any moves to start getting ready for the day. A loud bang on the door and someone trying to open the handle pulled us both from our morning bliss as Noah shot up from the bed. "Open the door I don't care what you're doing it's time for shoopppping!!" Jessica's voice sounded through the door. Noah had an irritated look on his face as I laughed some more, not surprised by the antics of his sister.

We made it to the mall and Jessica immediately dragged me to Windsor. The store was packed with dresses of all kinds, some of them more revealing than others and I hoped this time Jessica would be kind to me and not make me try on every dress in the store. She started pulling dresses from the racks in an organized manner like she had done this a thousand times and started putting them in one of the dressing rooms for me. I rapidly tried on dresses each one not getting approval from Jessica. "It's just not giving what I want it to" Jessica said from her seat near my room. I sighed starting to get tired, "you've had me try on like a million dresses!" I said. "We'll there is one left please please please try it?" She said giving me the puppy dog eyes. I laughed regaining some energy as I took the dress from her clutches and brought it into the room with me. The dress was long and made of an emerald green satin material. I shimmied into it and the dress hugged every curve of my body just right. The deep neckline was a little more revealing than I was used to, but the dress just fit so perfectly that I could look past it. I stepped out of my room for Jessica's approval and her jaw dropped. "That's the one!! You look stunning! My brother is going to FREAK out!" She said as my face blushed. Thankfully, choosing the shoes wasn't as painful and we headed to Sephora for her to pick out some new makeup. I had never done my makeup before so she showed me what to buy and happily offered to do my makeup tomorrow before my date. She dragged me to a few more stores and then we were able to head out.

I was getting super excited for the date but also a little nervous. Like something in my gut was telling me that the date wasn't going to go very well. I pushed those feelings aside and daydreamed on the way home of what it would be like to go on my first ever date.

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