Chapter 8

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Noah's POV

I knew instantly when the smell of another wolf hit my nose that something was wrong. I turned around to see a large black wolf leaping towards Sapphire. I immediately shifted into my wolf form to attack the wolf before me. The wolf tried so hard to outsmart me, but he was no match and the battle continued. After a few minutes, I decided to let up and allow the wolf to run off. I could tell that Sapphire was hurt during her fall and I wanted to get her to the pack doctor. I also didn't want her to watch me rip this wolf apart. She was scared enough of this pack and her past that I didn't need her to be any more scared of me. If that happened, I would never get her to trust me especially if she knew the wolf that came for us. I called upon my men through the pack link to capture this wolf and bring him to the dungeon. I usually had men all around the perimeter so they should be able to detain him but I will need to investigate how he even got into our territory in the first place. He deserves to die for hurting my Sapphire, but I need him. He could be part of her old pack or maybe even the link that I needed to figure out her past. I changed back into my human form, forgetting the fact that I had no clothes, and ran over to Sapphire. She had a cut on her forehead that was dripping blood. I thought I had caught the wolf before he could lay a finger on her but maybe the injury came from when she fell. Her face was riddled with a mix of fear and sadness before she blushed seeing me completely naked. I scooped her up and carried her back to the pack house.

I finally got the the pack house and continued to carry her to the pack doctor. People stared at me as I ran like a lunatic through the house, however no one said a word. They could tell by the look on my face and the state that Sapphire was in that I was in no mood for questions. One of the pack doctors was in our hospital room and as soon as she saw me she started to find the equipment she would need to help Sapphire's forehead. I was afraid for her. It seemed like in her past she had never really had medical attention for anything and I didn't want her to be afraid of someone who was just here to help her. I placed her on the bed and she looked at me with so much fear in her eyes it made me sick to my stomach. While the doctor was still getting things ready I quickly went out into the hallway to grab a pair of shorts that were stashed (we stash shorts everywhere in case of time like this) and I headed back into the room with her. I crouched by her bedside and said, "it's ok sapphire, Dr. Stevens is just going to look at your head. You might need stitches, but I will here the whole time, ok?" This seemed to help a little but her mind seemed preoccupied as if this wasn't the only thing she was worried about. "Ok Sapphire I have to clean the wound now, it looks like you are going to need stitches but I promise it won't hurt a bit," said Dr. Stevens before she started to clean her forehead. At first, sapphire flinched but then relaxed as a numbing cream was put on her head. I wish it was me in her shoes because I at least know what's going on but instead I had to watch her go through everything and that was more painful by a long shot.

Sapphire's POV

I don't know what to do. How could he have found me? Why did he come find me? No one in that house ever cared for me, so why now? Why when I am finally starting to be happy? It must be because I don't deserve happiness. I can't let my family ruin this pack. As much as it scares me sometimes, I do really care about Noah. He has done everything he can for me, it's just so hard to trust after everything that has happened. I really want to be happy, but I don't know how. I think someday I can be happy with Noah, but it's going to take time. Dr. Stevens finished up tending to my head and said, "alright Sapphire I am going to give u some antibiotics just to make sure you dont get sick, but you are all set." "Thank you." I said quietly. "While you're here, I would like to run a few tests to make sure that you're healthy if that's ok with you?" I nodded slowly not really knowing what that meant and after getting permission from me she looked over at Noah who also silently nodded his approval. She then started checking all my vitals like blood pressure and my heart rate. She then asked me to step on the scale, her face becoming sad as she saw how low the number was. "Lastly, I'd like to take a blood sample if you're ok with that." I appreciated her asking me all these questions but to be honest I had no idea what that entailed. I decided to just nod yes but quickly regretted that decision when I saw the needle that she was about to put into my skin. I looked at Noah with fear in my eyes. I had never done this before but I knew that if it wasn't necessary, it wouldn't have been asked of me. I heard out my arm and turned my head with my eyes closed praying I wouldn't feel anything. Before I knew it, it was already over and the doctor gave me a bandaid to put over the very small puncture wound. After the doctor left the room Noah followed her. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I also didn't want to know. He was probably asking her what to do about my brokenness. When he came back into the room he scooped me up and started carrying to his room. I looked up at him and whispered, "I'm sorry." He stopped right outside his door and looked down at me with so much love in his eyes and said, "Sapphire, you have nothing to be sorry about ok? You need to get some rest." He placed me on the bed and laid down next to me. He gently ran his hands along my cheek and through my hair until I fell asleep.

Noah's POV

I watched Sapphire sleep for hours just thinking about what to do about the wolf that crossed my territory. I had asked the doctor what to do about someone who wouldn't talk about a traumatic event, but even she didn't have the answer I wanted. I just wanted Sapphire to talk to me, but I knew it would take a long time. I hope that one day she might talk to me about what happened, but I know I can't rush her nor do I want to do that. I just want her to understand how much I love her and for her to feel comfortable with me. In all my years of being Alpha, I never thought a mate could be my weakness, but I have been proven wrong on so many levels. Sapphire started to shift a little and then she opened her eyes.

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