Chapter 16

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Sapphires POV

I woke up in the arms of my mate still sound asleep. I don't think I would ever be able to get over how handsome he was. My wolf purred in delight as Noah shifted slightly to pull us in closer. I could have stayed here all day, but unfortunately my bladder had other plans. I tried to wriggle myself out of his grip but he only squeezed harder until finally my sharp inhale woke him up. "What's going on babe are you ok?" He asked groggily, still trying to wake up from his deep sleep. "I'm fine you're just strangling me!" I laugh as he untangles himself from my body so that I can go to the bathroom. As I step back into the room I find him sitting up waiting for me. "So Sapphire, I know that Saturday mornings are for training the young wolves of the pack, but I think I'd like to start training you." I stare at him in disbelief. Over the time I've spent here, I've very obviously gained some weight. I no longer look like the emaciated girl that had arrived here. My cheeks were fuller and so was the rest of my body which Noah had definitely taken notice to. "Don't panic you're not going to be a warrior, but it's been quite some time since you've let your wolf run free and who knows maybe since you're feeling better you could try and use your powers." The thought of that made me stiffen a bit. I really didn't want to hurt anyone, but I also didn't want to disappoint. I hadn't used my powers in so long I had no idea how to even start. "I would love to run with you Noah! But I hope I don't disappoint you if I can't use my powers." Noah immediately got out of bed and took hold of both of my hands. "I could never be disappointed in you, just try your best."

After breakfast, we made our way out to the backyard and into the woods. The last time we had come back here was when my brother had made his appearance which sent a chill down my spine. I really hope we could just have a normal afternoon. We walked deeper into the forest before we found a perfect spot to stash our backpack that contained the extra clothes. We enjoyed a quick moment of silence before we each decided to transform. I had forgotten how large Noah's wolf was and was in awe as he changed before me. I closed my eyes as I felt my bones breaking and shifting into my wolf. My wolf was much smaller than his but our colors were nearly a perfect match besides the white spot that I had on my forehead. He approached me cautiously and nuzzled his head into the back of my neck and leaned back accepting his gesture of affection. He stepped back gave me a look and started running, expecting me to follow. I did so and we were off on our first ever wolf adventure.

After running for nearly 20 minutes I needed a break so I started slowing down. We had approached a clearing, much like the one I had seen when I first came here. He slowed down and nodded his head for me to follow him. I obliged and we found our way to a small shallow river flowing quickly with cool water. I hungrily lapped up the water as he did the same. I wasn't paying attention and before I knew it I was nudged, a little too hard, straight into the river. At first I was worried it had been a rogue or something but as I looked around, all I saw was a cheeky looking Noah who then jumped in after me. I was totally going to have to get him back for this.

Splashing around in the water came to an end and we made our way back to our stashed clothes. This was the part I was dreading. I knew we would have to shift back eventually but I was far less comfortable in my skin than he was. I heard the familiar cracking from next to me and looked over to a fully nude Noah. I quickly turned my head even though I wanted nothing more than to stop and stare at him. "Oh honey, it's all yours, you don't need to look away." Noah said before putting on the pair of shorts he had stashed. We looked at each other for a moment before saying, "I'm going to start walking back so you can have some privacy, but yell if you need anything." I gave him a thankful look before watching him jog away, happy he accepted my need for privacy. I shifted back and grabbed the shorts and t shirt I packed before following his steps.

"So how do you feel?" Noah asks as I approach him in the backyard of the pack house. "That run felt amazing Noah, other than the surprise swim." I said giving him an aggravated look. Noah belly laughs and says "oh c'mon you know you love me!" As he wraps his arm around my waist. "Before we go inside, I really want to show you something." Noah says as he guided me to the left side of the house. I could feel his excitement as we walked along a little cobblestone path. I was met with the most glorious floral scent as we approached the most ornate garden I had ever seen. "My mom is obsessed with flowers, so my dad had this made for her. I thought maybe you would like it too so I had some of the people from my pack try and plant more flowers to make it look better, what do you think?" I couldn't believe my eyes. I was surrounded by every color flower you could think of that all led to a gazebo in the middle. There were a few benches as well and as we walked through the rows I was filled with the so much happiness. So much so that I started to feel different. My hands started to feel tingly and something in me knew it was my powers. I looked up at Noah and said, "I'm going to try something." He looked at me curiously but untangled his arm from my waist and allowed me to move away from him. I crouched in front of a plant whose leaves seemed to be dead and cupped it in my hands. Closing my eyes I focused on trying to use my powers to revive the dead leaves. I was forced out of my stupor by a gasp from Noah and when I opened my eyes the plant was not only revived, but had grown a few new leaves! I had done it! I looked up and Noah and he was speechless. "I don't know if I can do that again, but I think my powers are coming back." Noah pulls me into an embrace that could have taken all the wind out of me and when he finally lets me go he says. "Sapphire you just amaze me more and more every day." My heart was so full of love and happiness I could nearly explode. Maybe I was meant to have a happy life.

After walking the rest of the gardens, we made our way back to the pack house to eat some lunch and clean ourselves up after our eventful few hours.

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