Chapter 15

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Sapphires POV

My eyes shot open to see Noah in front of me looking very worried alongside Cordelia who also seemed concerned. I fidgeted in my chair, uncomfortable by their stare as I tried to regulate my breathing. It was surreal to have seen myself with powers. I knew that Noah and my brother weren't lying when they said I was capable, but seeing it for myself really made it feel like reality. Noah's voice brings me back into the moment when he asks, "Sapphire what did you see?" I just continue to look at him, still so shocked by everything. Cordelia finally speaks and says, "Alpha I mean no disrespect but maybe we should give her some space." She says, realizing that they were both practically on top of me as I still tried to shake myself out of the hypnotic state. Noah let's out a small growl, but follows her orders and moves to sit on the couch next to me from his place in front of me. When they both get back into their original positions I start describing what I saw. I told them about Thomas and about what I did to him accidentally. A tear escaped my eyes as I relived that moment once more. I felt so bad and almost started to feel like I deserved to lose my powers. If I was so dangerous, it would be best if they never came back. Noah put his arm around me to comfort me as Cordelia questioned, "do you remember anything else about Thomas?" "I am starting to vaguely remember hanging out with him, but the memory is still foggy, I'm sorry." Noah squeezed even closer to me as he said, "Sapphire there's no reason to be sorry, you're doing your best and you've already remembered so much." Cordelia finished writing a few things in her notepad before she started talking again. "So it seems like this could have been part of the reason why you were locked away. I think we've done enough for todays session, but I would love to see you back here some time for a follow up appointment." We both thanked her as we made our way back to the car. I was still processing what I had seen in my past and was praying that it wouldn't push Noah away. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him but I didn't know if I would ever be able to control my powers.

Noah decided to take the rest of the night off, so instead of going straight back to the pack house we took a detour and drove around the pack lands. We drove by the mall his sister had brought me too and Noah pointed out all of his favorite restaurants in the area. Then we made our way back into the tree cover where we drove by the houses of the other pack members. The houses looked like mansions and I couldn't believe people really lived like this. The pack house with Noah's alpha suite was expected to be nice, but to see that everyone else was also living well was shocking for me. My dad was the alpha of my old pack, but we did things a bit unconventionally. He didn't like to share the wealth with everyone in the pack, so instead of building a pack house he built the house we lived in and then a separate building for pack affairs. It was nice to see that Noah did the honorable thing and helped other people in the pack instead of keeping everything to himself. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Noah said, "we're almost back to the pack house but there's one stop I'd like the make." He had the cutest gleam in his eye that melted me a little bit and I couldn't wait to see his surprise. We pulled into the parking spot in front of the cutest little ice cream shop. "I know we haven't eaten dinner yet, but I thought you could use a sweet appetizer after todays appointment." Noah says as I smile back at him. We get out of the car and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of flavors to choose from. It's pretty obvious that I've never been to an ice cream shop before as I try to decide which flavor to go with. Finally, we get up to the counter and it's a young boy who immediately looks me up and down. The person in front of us was human which meant he didn't know that he was standing in front of the Alpha and his Luna. A small growl came from Noah as he watched the way the employee hungrily looked at me. "What can I get you guys?" He said smoothly glancing at Noah and then looking at me again. "I'll take a small cookies and cream please." I said and Noah ordered his, making sure the guy knew by his tone that he wasn't happy about his wandering eyes. This only made matters worse as the boy chuckles and looks at me. "I don't know how you deal with is guy." As he points at Noah. "He seems like no fun, but if you want some fun I could definitely help you keep warm after your ice cream." He said with a wink. Without thinking Noah grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt and pulled him a few inches over the counter. "I would think before you speak again." He sneered at him, trying not to let his wolf come through. This made the boy gulp and he scurried off to the back to get us what we ordered. After paying and getting our treat we walked over to a bench by the car to eat. "I'm sorry I kinda freaked out a little bit, I just can't stand to see anyone looking at you like that." Although he may have slightly overreacted, I understood why. Wolves were so possessive over their mates, especially an alpha so I'm sure he can't control it. Before I could say anything, he continued. "It's so much harder to control my emotions because I haven't even marked you yet but don't feel like im rushing you or anything I want to make sure you're comfortable with anything that we do." Noah rambled on but I had stopped listening after he said "marked". My mom had never explained anything about mates to me. Obviously I knew what was going to happen when we mated, but I never heard much about marking. I had seen wolves who had found their mates with marks on their neck, but I never really thought about how it got there. Noah finally realized I wasn't paying attention and could see I was deep in thought. "What's wrong baby, you look confused." He said as we started walking to the car. We got in and I said, "I'm sorry I don't know this, but how do you mark me?" Noah had a troubled look on his face. Normally, mothers would explain to their daughters how all of this worked, but he didn't seem surprised that I was kept in the dark. He turns to me and says, "don't be sorry, I forget that you don't know everything about pack life. So basically there's three parts to the mating process. The first one is simply just meeting each other which we've obviously done." He chuckled a little and then continued. "The second part is the marking part and the third is well mating, you know what that means right?" He asked lovingly. I blushed a shade that looked like a tomato and said "yes I definitely know what that is." Noah's eyes flickered to a darker shade as he thought about what that entailed. "So the marking part happens when you're ready but I will bite your neck to make a mark and you will to the same to me. I know it sounds painful, but we won't do that until you're strong enough." The thought of this made me a bit nervous. He was an alpha which means he probably had really big canines and the thought of him sinking them into my neck was horrifying. However, I trusted Noah and knew that he would never hurt me. He finally started driving back to the pack house and I gazed out of the car window thinking about all the things we talked about, hoping that I would be ready soon to give him everything he needed in a mate.

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