Chapter 12

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Sapphire's POV:
I woke up with a very large arm around my waist. I carefully slid out of Noah's heavy grip and silently crept towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and stared at my very pale complexion and my face that was still sunken in from the malnutrition. How could an Alpha love me? It was weird to think that someone so strong and fierce can want to love and nurture someone as broken as me. However, I also felt that he had begun to change me. I could feel myself becoming more confident and happy and I knew that as time went on I would finally find myself as the next Luna of this pack. As I opened the door, I saw that Noah was still asleep, lightly snoring as I returned to my spot beside him. I studied his peaceful face and his defined upper body that led into large legs. As I made my way slowly back up to his face I was shocked to see that his eyes were open, a light grin on his face. "Like what you see?" Noah said as I quickly turned away, my face as red as a tomato. I hope he didn't think I was creepy or weird for looking at him. He grabbed my waist softly and said "don't be embarrassed baby, it's fine. I'm all yours and you can look at me whenever you please." His words did make me feel slightly better so I turned back around so that he could see me face. His eyes began to turn slightly darker quickly changing back to his natural blue as he said, "Sapphire, today i would like to talk to you about something." As soon as he said this my insides began to turn. Was this when he would tell me I was unfit to be his mate or the Luna of his pack? Did he finally figure out that he didn't want me anymore? Noah must have been able to see the fear in my facial expressions because he quickly tried to calm me down. "No no babe please don't be scared it's nothing bad." His reassurance made me feel a little better but I wouldn't be able to completely relax until he told me everything that was going on. He sat up in the bed and looked at me, seeming as though he was preparing how he wanted to word whatever it was he wanted tell me. "So that rogue wolf the other day was not a rogue it was your brother but I think you knew that" he said, pausing to see my reaction. I obviously wasn't very surprised because I recognized the smell of my brother that day so since I didn't give much of a reaction he continued. "Your brother doesn't seem to be a very nice man, but he did however tell me that they are looking for you and want you back." These words shook me to my core. After all that they had done to me why could they possible want me back? It had seemed like for years all they wanted was for me to leave but now all of a sudden they need me? "Don't be afraid Sapphire. I won't allow them to do that. You will never have to go back to the abuse that they put you through no matter what. But baby, do you know why they want you back?" He looked at me with inquiring eyes, seeming as though he already knew the answer. I looked at him and said, "I don't know why they could possibly want me back they treated me so badly I don't understand." Noah sighed and said, "I began some research on your pack in my fathers journals and I read that your pack was able to control the elements. After finding this out I went back to your brother and he told me that you were the most powerful being that your pack had ever seen." This statement was the most surprising. I had heard the ramblings before about how our pack used to have these powers but over time with people marrying outside of our kind they slowly were more scarce but I just thought those were tall tales that elders liked to toss around to make our pack seem better than it actually was. I had always known that there was something odd about me. When I was very upset or sad I would notice things like a random lightening strike or something in the room would begin to smoke as if it were about to catch fire but I never really thought much of it, assuming that I was dreaming or seeing things. I was often in a state of extreme hunger and figured that I was going crazy, but now I'm beginning to learn that maybe I wasn't. Noah continued to speak. "They kept you in this state of malnutrition to make sure that you couldn't use your powers in fear that you would rise to power, but they planned on marrying you off in order to continue the bloodline of wolves that had powers." I was infuriated. How could my own family suppress my own true potential. It was selfish and wrong and I wished that I had known about this sooner. I looked up at Noah's sad eyes. He too seemed to be frustrated by this information and I began to feel bad. He was the alpha of an amazing pack and I felt like he shouldn't have to be bothered with this. There were other things that he could focus on or be doing than sitting here explaining things about my past that I didn't even know about. After a short time he pulled me close to his chest into an embrace like no other that I had ever had. "I'm so sorry that they did this to you Sapphire. I don't think that I can express in words how truly sorry I am. I want with everything in me to help you and get you back to who you were meant to be and I will be right by your side the whole time I promise" he said these words as he lightly caressed my hair and relief washed over me. How did I get so lucky to have a mate that treated me this way. I gently pulled away from his grasp and looked him in the eyes and said "thank you" followed by a kiss that sent electric shock waves through my whole body.

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