Chapter 7

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Noah's POV

I knew where I was going to take her. When my father passed away I used to come here to get away from everything and enjoy some quiet time by myself. I never shared this spot with anyone, even my mother, but I wanted to share this with Sapphire in the hopes that she might open up to me. I took her hand and guided her to the back door where I knew I could sneak her out of the house without anyone noticing. I could tell that she wasn't ready to meet my family yet and if they saw us they would for sure try to talk to her. Everyone in the pack has been anxiously waiting for me to find my mate. My father was one of the most respected alphas in my packs history and now that I have taken his place, the pack has treated me the same. Being loved by the pack is a blessing every alpha wants but sometimes it would get very overwhelming especially when everyone was bringing me their daughters in the hopes that they would be my mate. Obviously, it never worked but now that it's someone outside the pack I know word will spread soon and people will be rushing to the pack house to get a glimpse of her. For now we were still safe from prying eyes and I wanted to appreciate all the time I could get. We made it to the woods behind my house before she finally questioned "Where are we going?" in the sweetest voice I had ever heard. "It's a surprise" I said as I winked at her.

We walked in a comfortable silence hand in hand through the woods. It hurt me so much to think that someone had been hurting her for so long and I didn't come save her. As crazy as it sounds, I felt somewhat responsible for the horrible life that she lived. I never went out and looked for her. It never occurred to me that my mate could be part of another pack. My pack was so large that I thought maybe I just hadn't met her yet. She could have been happy, well-fed, and even a little spoiled, (who am I kidding very spoiled), but at least I would know her nightmares wouldn't be haunted by the memories of her former life. I wanted so badly for her to just tell me. I wanted to be able to comfort her in the way she needed, but for now I just needed to stay strong and focus on getting her comfortable living here.

After walking for about 20 minutes we reached the desired location.

Sapphire's POV

It was beautiful. Noah had taken me to a crystal clear pond, like one that you would see as an option for a computer screen saver. A tall waterfall cascaded into the pond and the sound of the running water was so calming. I stood there in awe at this magnificent site. "It's beautiful, right? I used to come here a lot right after my father died. Becoming the Alpha of this pack at such a young age was very hard for me to deal with especially after losing the one person that I thought would help me when the day came. I have never brought anyone here before, but I thought you would like it." I was overcome with greif. Here I was being so upset about my own life, that I didn't even think about the hardships that he had gone through. He shared with me one of his most intimate memories. I started to realize that maybe he wasn't going to hurt me. Maybe he really would love and care for me. Maybe I wouldn't be rejected. I looked at Noah and said " I-I'm so sorry about your loss." I got close enough to him so that I could gently touch his arm. As are skin made contact, I could feel the sparks that flowed through his skin to mine. It made my wolf growl with excitement. I knew I wasn't ready for everything yet, but I could feel that soon I would be.

After spending about 30 minutes around the oasis, we decided that it was time to go. I wanted to stay here forever listening to the crashing of the water. I wonder if he would let me come back here to draw I wondered silently to myself. As we began our short journey back to the pack house, I started to smell something very familiar. I couldn't tell if it was just my nose playing tricks on me but I stopped for a moment and sniffed the air. As I did so Noah looked at me questioning my behavior until he too had a look on his face as if he smelled it as well. I heard a leaf crunch and turned around to see a large black wolf barreling towards me. I screamed and fell to the ground and watched as Noah transformed into an enormous reddish-brown wolf. The large black wolf was trying to reach for Noah's neck, however Noah was clearly an expert fighter and dodged every attempt the black wolf tried. After a few minutes of persistence, the black wolf started to run away. Noah let him get away and stood still for a few minutes. I assumed he was telling his warriors to go catch the wolf that trespassed. There was just one thing.....

That black wolf was my brother.

Authors Note

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