32: Where Lou Ellen Saves the Day

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Dearest Readers,

This chapter and the next one were written together, and ended up being super long so I split it in half. I hope you enjoy this next piece of the puzzle!

Not to mention, Lou Ellen makes an appearance, so that's cool.

XOXO Ally Layne.


Persie managed to jump into the passenger seat just as Sam was about to take off in the Impala.

His answering glare was cold and withdrawn, nothing like the younger Winchester she used to know.

"Have I really changed in your eyes that much after what that demon told you?" She asked, clicking on her seatbelt as he took off, racing into the night.

He didn't say a word.

His focus was on speeding though the roads through town, not slowing until the Van Allen house was in sight.

She sighed. "We need a plan."

He glared at her again. "I have one. Save my brother."

"Dear Hades, I never thought I would be the one to say this, but that's not a plan, Winchester. That's an outcome," she insisted. "If your pet demon is right and whatever is in there is as strong as she thinks it is, we need a plan-"

He was out the door as soon as he threw the car in park and took the keys from the ignition. Persie cursed as she had to practically jump out and run after him to keep up with his long, determined strides.

"I'm not kidding, Sam," she told him in a whisper as they came up to the door. "We need a-"

He kicked the door open, holding up the Colt he grabbed from his waistband, and cocked it right in the direction of the screams.

"Dear gods, we're gonna die."

Is this what Annie feels like whenever I go into something without a plan?

If the answer is yes, Persie was pleased she had started to listen to her best friend more often.

The screams ended up coming from Elizabeth, Renee, and Tammi (who was still giving Persie the creeps), who had been sitting by an altar.

She paused, a wave of disgust flowing through her at the negativity and the dark magic that was flowing in and out of the room that made her feel sick.

Sam wasn't having such issues, however. "Let him go!" he demanded, holding the Colt up in their direction, making them throw their hands up in surrender.

"Let who go?" Renee countered, her fear quickly turning into anger. "What are you doing? You're insane, get out!"

"It's not the smartest thing to call someone who is pointing a gun at you insane," Persie commented, picking out some crud from underneath her nails as she gazed at the situation in boredom. "But you do you, I guess."

Sam glared at the women in front of them, ignoring her words that made Renee's eyes flash with frustration. "Look if you know me, you know about this gun, you're killing my brother- now let him go. Get away from the altar."

"What?" Renee squawked.

Persie's eyes narrowed as she let some of her raw power show through them, making the woman shiver and back away a few steps in fear.

"Now!" Sam demanded.




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