"His Loss."

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AU: University Students

Wanda's POV:

Again. When I finally see something serious with someone, I get stood up. It's honestly a cycle at this point. We talk, we date, we become official, then they ditch me...it's a fucked up system. Lesson from this is: don't date people you go to university with.

I'm standing under a table umbrella outside this fancy restaurant that my girlfriend...sorry, I mean ex-girlfriend Sam and I were going to have a date at for out for our 1-year anniversary. I tried calling her because I had been waiting for over an hour, but some girl answered her phone panting and trying to hold in moans. She failed.

She asked who I was but before I could answer I heard Sam moan in the background. I put the phone down, apologised to the waitress for keeping her, and left the restaurant.

When I got outside it started raining, so I ran across the street to the outside of another fancy restaurant that has outside umbrella covered tables.

So I am currently soaking wet in a mid-thigh, thin-strapped dress, no jacket, hair, and makeup ruined because of the rain with a pair of open toe heels. I would've worn a warmer outfit, but I assumed Sam would've taken me home and I would've gotten lucky. The rain really ruined the sexy vibe I was going for.

I pull my phone out and look down at my contact list to see who I can call without getting judged about my current situation.

I could call Pietro but he'd form a plan to cut Sam's boobs off for hurting me. Yelena would tell her girlfriend Kate, and Kate can't keep a secret. Bucky and Steve are in London for the next two semesters. Tony probably has a woman with him. Natasha is my only option.

I tap the call button and hold the phone to my ear, hoping she answers.

"Hello?" I hear her say.

"Nat! Hey! Could you help me out please?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course. What's wrong?" she replies.

I try to answer but get interrupted by someone on the other side," Who is that?". Natasha tells me to hold on and talks to the other person. I can't make out what they're saying.

"Hi, sorry about that, what's up?" she apologises.

"Could come pick me up? There aren't any taxi's." I sniffle.

"Send me the address, I'm already in my car." she instructs.

I quickly exit the phone app and text her the name of the restaurant I was at initially.

"Okay got it, stay safe. I'm coming for you." she says before putting the phone down.

I slip my phone into my clutch and take a look around.

There aren't any places open right now, the only one is across the street but they'd kick me out. The umbrella isn't doing much to keep me dry because the rain is falling at an angle. I open my clutch and pull out a pocket knife disguised as lipstick, just in case someone tried something as I wait for Natasha.

After ten minutes of sitting at the table, I see a familiar pull up and my best friend rushing out of it with a jacket covering her head. I get up and run towards her.

"Jesus Christ you're soaked Maximoff!" she worries as she wraps her jacket around me.

She picks me up and runs to the passenger side of her car to put me in, then to her side and closes the door. I pull mine closed and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I turn to her and notice now that she's in a hot red suit, minus the jacket, with a black button up, a black tie and countless rings on. She grabs my hand and smiles," Tell me why the hell I had to pick you up at 10pm in the rain."

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