Just Friends

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Wanda was a sweet girl.

Keyword, was.

Wanda was innocent. She stayed back from country wide college, deciding to stay at the one in her town once she turned eighteen so she could help the township church her family attended. She dressed modestly. She baked pastries and dishes for wardens of her church. She attended every service they had. She was an altar girl, she even carried around the crucifix during holy communion. Her boyfriend Vision would show her off to everyone and more. Everyone wished to have a daughter like or be her friend.

She was literally the perfect girl.

That was, until she met her best friend, Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha was what the churchgoers would consider a sinner.

She owned a bar across town with her best friend James Barnes. She dressed in only tight-fitting clothes, smoked, loved drinking, often openly flirted with girls which would often send the church people into a frenzy, and she had a countless number of tattoos littered over her body.

Both girls were from a town called Reinsdown, population of 27,000 people, and it sat in the country lands between the Texan cities, Waco and Beaumont.

One day their paths met.

Wanda was in one of the few local grocery stores with her boyfriend as they were buying ingredients for the cake Wanda planned to bake for the Sunday service. Natasha was in the same grocery store buying steaks and for a party she intended to have.

Vision was distracted with trying to find himself jelly that he left Wanda stranded in the baked goods aisle, and Natasha stumbled upon her as she tried standing on the tips of her toes to reach the baking flour on a tip shelf.

"Do you need some help, ma'am?" Natasha asked as she tried holding in a laugh. Wanda paid no mind to her at first as she was so focussed on her task, but Natasha asked again.

Wanda looked at her and then back at the flour, "If it isn't too much trouble miss. My boyfriend usually helps me, but I'm not quite sure where he went." Wanda sighed as she fixed her hair.

Natasha chuckled as she set her basket down, "I myself am not tell enough to get it but I could give you a boost?" she suggested as she got down on one knee and patted her leg.

Wanda felt hesitant, but set her basket down and gripped onto Natasha's shoulders, pushing herself up on Natasha's knee. She let her sundress in a bunch to avoid any mistakes or flashing anyone as she reached out and grabbed two boxes of flour.

Natasha helped her down and smirked slightly when she got a scent of Wanda's perfume.

"Coconut and Vanilla?" she asked, and Wanda nodded with a smile. "Do you wear the same?" Wanda asked. "Uh no, yeah, I actually wear cologne." Natasha said as she picked up her basket. She could see the shock within Wanda. She raised her eyebrows and Wanda shook her head.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but isn't cologne for men?" she asked, slightly scared she would offend Natasha. The other woman let out a laugh and nodded her head,"It is made for men yes, but there are no gender roles when it comes to items I'm sure." she explained.

Wanda nodded, still slightly uncomfortable at the thought of a woman wearing a man's scent. She then noticed the clothing Natasha wore, a shirt with a boob window, fairly tight pants and heels.

"I appreciate your help ma'am, I should get going though." Wanda said as she got her basket and patted her dress and cardigan down.

Natasha bowed her head in greeting, "Have fun sugar." Natasha smiled. With that, Wanda was speeding down the aisle away from Natasha in search for her boyfriend. She eventually found him going through the VHS tapes on sale in a big crate.

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