•Flowers at a Concert Pt4

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Wanda was sitting silently in the living room of her and her wife's home. The lights were off, the only light coming from the television and the occasional notification from Wanda's phone. Her eyes went between her wife on the TV screen, playing a charity fund concert and her son who was suckling on her breasts she fed him.

The baby boy, not older than a year yet, happily reached for his mommy's cheek as she fed him. He let out a few coos here and there, a few giggles and a few mini burps. Wanda always enjoyed feeding time, especially when her wife wasn't there to keep him active so he could clam down the way he is now. Although that didn't mean she was happy about her wife's current absence.

Wanda adjusted her top and got up with her son in her arms, walking upstairs to the nursery. He squealed and giggled when Wanda set him down on the table.

She stated getting him ready for bed. Bathing him, changing him, and slipping on his onesie. By the time she finished, he was fast asleep and sucking on his pacifier.

Wanda smiled and placed him in the crib before leaving the nursery.

These were moments when she hated her wife's profession. She loved the peace and quiet, but at the same time, sometimes it got too quiet. It never made sense to her how a florist and a rock star fell in love. Having an Alpha in her life was never the way she wanted it, but she wouldn't change it.

She let her hand graze the railing as she made her way back downstairs to watch the rest of her wife's concert.

She sat down tiredly and watched as Nat and the band did their traditional jacket giveaway. The concert ended, and it panned to all the artists taking pictures with fans and signing autographs.

Her eyes caught a woman around her age running up and laughing herself in Nat's arms. Natasha laughed with Maria as she hugged the fan back and then pulled away slightly, holding the woman by the top of her arms as she smiled and spoke to her.

She could feel the jealousy sitting in her chest. She watched another woman hug and attempt to kiss her wife, Natasha, of course, was no cheater so she made sure the woman's lips never touched her. It gave Wanda some comfort watching her wife set some boundaries with the fan, but that didn't stop the negative thoughts coming to her.

That woman's getting too touchy.

Break her neck, Natasha.

What if someone takes her from me?

I should've fucking gone to the concert.

Sure, she claimed me, but did I claim her? Is she really MY alpha?

She shook her head and turned the TV off, not wanting to see any other woman grab at her wife.

Hours later, Natasha's keys turned in the door, and she locked herself in and flopped on the couch. She had been missing Wanda all night. The figured Wanda was asleep, so she lifted herself up, her boots clomping against the oak wood flooring of her home. As she ascended the stairs, she undid all jewelry she wore for the concert. Bracelets, earrings, her septum piercing and the chain necklace that her band had gifted her earlier that night.

As she entered their bedroom, her eyes immediately went to Wanda was deep asleep underneath the covers. It warmed her heart to see her wife this comfortable and happy, but little did she know it was actually the opposite.

As she went into the shower, Wanda turned to look at the door, she thought about talking to her wife, telling her that she was uncomfortable with other woman touching her like that, but she would rather not seem insecure or needy.

Natasha came out of the bathroom in a wife beater and boxer briefs as she dried her hair with a towel. She stopped in front of one of the few mirrors they had in their room and pointed a finger gun at it with her free hand.

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