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Y/N: " Come on Tin Can...Wake up..." You were pushing with your good arm, as Thor came to help you roll him over.

Steve: "Is he breathing?" Thor helped you stand up as your knees were buckling under you.

That's when the Hulk let out a mighty roar waking him up.

Tony: " What the hell." You smiled happily letting out the breath you were holding in. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Y/N: " T-Thor...I- I can't." Your legs buckled as he caught you holding you now. He moved your hair from your face.

Thor: " We're going home I promise."

Tony: "Hey...Is the girl okay?" He weakly pointed.

Thor: " She will be." You were now blacked out.

Tony: " Alright...Yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is...But, I want to try it."

Thor: " We're not finished yet."

They all walked in to see Loki as he saw Thor carrying you.

Loki: "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." He looked at Thor. "I-Is she dead?"

Thor: " No. Sleeping." A while later your arm was bandaged, and healing. You walked away with Loki and Thor.

Steve: " You know...I wouldn't mind if you stayed."

Y/N: " Sorry Steve. But, I have my place. I'd love to keep contact though..." You and Loki grabbed one end while Thor had the other. To Asgard we went...

When brought back to Asgard. Odin took Loki in chains. You looked at Thor as he became angry.

Y/N: " T-Thor? Are you alright?"

Thor: " No! I'm not alright... How selfish can you possibly be?" He growled shaking you by your waist since he couldn't grab your arms.

Y/N: " Excuse you?" You looked at him in disbelief. Everything you've done was for the good of Loki and Thor. Yet it was never good enough.

Thor: " Going to Earth like that. Without even telling me. How did you even get down there!?"

Y/N: " How was saving something YOU love selfish!?"

Thor: " Did you even consider what could happen to you? Putting yourself in that kind of danger?"

You pushed yourself free.

Y/N: " Yes, I knew what I was getting into. I knew I could've died. I knew we could've lost. But, I did it anyway. Because it's a place you love. But, if it's going to be that big a deal. Just go back crying to Jane. I'm done. Nothing I ever do is good enough for any of you!"

Thor: " Did you ever stop and think of the people that would los-" He looked confused.

Y/N: " That's right. I know about you and your girlfriend...Who doesn't give a shit about you."

Thor: " You will not speak of Jane in such ways!"

Y/N: " She's using you Thor! You're just something else she can study and experiment on! You just happen to be a prize to her. She does not love you."

Thor: " Oh, of course. Because you know what being in love with me is like...Correct?" He said trying to prove a point.

Y/N: " I'm just trying to be the best friend I can be. I will follow you into battle everyday if I have to, I will die for you. For what you love. Not because you are the next big ruler of Asgard but, because you are my friend... And...I think- I'm going to take that offer and stay with Steve for a while."

Thor: " Do it then."

Y/N: " You know...He was my brother too... Not just yours." He pulled you in for a hug.

Thor: " I know. Things will not be the same will they?"

Y/N: " No...Things are very different now. Now, I'm just another one of your warriors."

A long while later you were on the training grounds with Lady Siff.

Thor approached his Father. Thor smiled at you gently. Things have been weird between the two of you now. You're broken, and afraid to tell him why. It was one thing to not have Thor. But, now Loki is gone...you had lost all strength it feels. You could hear the conversation. It was only fueling your heart break.

Odin: " For the first time since the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms are at peace. They're well reminded of our strength, and you have earned their respect and my gratitude."

Thor: " Thank you."

Odin: " Nothing out of order except your confused and distracted heart."

Thor: " This isn't about Jane Foster father."

Odin: " Human lives are fleeting, they're nothing. You'd be better served with what lies in front of you." You could feel Odin Gesturing towards you and Siff. " I'm telling you this, not as the Allfather, but as your father. You are ready, the time has come for you to take the throne. Embrace and celebrate what you've won. Join your warriors. Eat and drink, revel in their celebration. At least pretend to enjoy yourself."

That night at the celebration you stood singing proud. You've learned it helps with your anxiousness, and broken feelings. Introducing songs from Midgard to the people. Thor watched in confusion and proudly. Yet he was heart broken he has lost your trust. The crowd died down as they listened to you sing.

Y/N: " I miss the taste of a sweeter life...I miss the conversation... I'm searching for a song tonight...I'm changing all of the stations... I like to think that we had it all- we drew a map to a better place... But, on that road I took a fall- Oh baby why did you run away? I WAS THERE FOR YOU IN YOUR DARKEST TIMES! I WAS THERE FOR YOU IN YOUR DARKEST NIGHT...BUT I WONDER WHERE WERE YOU? WHEN I WAS AT MY WORST-DOWN ON MY KNEES! AND YOU SAID YOU HAD MY BACK-so I wonder WHERE WERE YOU?..."

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