Meet the Family

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November 22nd, 1963

Me and Five were stood together hidden behind a white fence overgrown with bushes. At the bottom of the hill, about a mile away, the crowd was waiting for John F. Kennedy, the current president, to drive through. I checked my watch and looked up at Five.

We were both in our late fifties, I wasn't sure of my exact age. Five's hair was all white, neatly trimmed and mustache. He wore a black bowler hat and suit. I was dressed more or less the same.

"One minute." I said "Toss ya for it?"

He nodded "Alright."

I pulled out a coin and flicked it into the air. I caught it and slammed it down on my palm.

"Heads or tails?" I asked.

"Heads." Five said.

"As always." I muttered. I lifted my hand "Tails. I got it." I dropped my briefcase and knelt down. I opened it and pulled out the dismantled rifle. I took it out and put it together. I stood and aimed over the fence.

The crowd cheered as JFK came around the corner in an open topped car. I counted down quietly before shooting. One bullet, straight to the head, direct hit.

"Ok." I said, straightening and lowering the gun "Let's go."

I looked at Five and gasped. His fists were clenched and glowing blue. Infront of him a huge blue portal, on the other side I could make out a group of people. Five was audibly straining under keeping it open.

"Five!" I said.

"Go through." He managed.

Not this again. I rolled my eyes. "Five we can't!"

"We must!"

A fire extinguisher flew through the portal at us and I jumped out of the way. Me and Five make eye contact and a understanding passed between us. An old rant he'd had with me played over in my mind and I sighed.

"You're a manipulative bastard," I said, taking his hand. He jumped through and dragged me behind him. I can't describe going through Five's portals, but it's weird.

Without realising it, I was pulling away from Five as we went through, so we landed apart. The portal was high off the ground, and I fell down and landed in a bush before I could look around.

I lay there, trying not to vomit. The first few times going through his portals made you feel sick, but I has gotten used to them. But time was a whole new thing.

"Dose anyone eles see little Number Five or is it just me?" A voice said, I didn't recognise it.


"Ah," I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my head "Five?"

"Hi." Someone who didn't sound like Five answers after a moment.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in some sort of courtyard, next to a gazebo. Across the yard, four men and a woman were huddled together staring at us. Stood infront of them, in an oversized suit was a thirteen year old boy. Me and the boy made eye contact as something about him seemed strangely familiar.

"Y/n?" He asked. I nodded and got up, feeling oddly short "Why are you thirteen?"

I studied his face "Holy- Five!?" He nodded "I hate to break it to ya, but you ain't lookin' much better."

He looked at himself. I did the same and saw me still in my old clothes, now a dosen sizes to big. Past my oversized clothes I could make out my vague body shape and realised I was, in fact, in my thirteen year old body. Me and Five looked back at eachother.

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