The Commission's End

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Me, Five and Deigo went to talk to them. Deigo said he needed to have words with his ex-girlfriend so he tagged along.

The Handler was laughing and talking to Lila when we walked over.

"I love the smell of that fresh country air. Don't you darling?"

"Makes me wanna vomit." Lila said absently.

"What do you want?" Five asked.

"To watch you suffer." Lila said.

"Feelin's mutual." I grinned.

"What about me?" Deigo asked.

"You're not even worth my wrath." Lila snapped.

"Easy." The Handler said. "We're here on official business."

"And what business is that?" Five asked.

"As the head of the Commission I've decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directors." The Handler said.

"Yeah, right. We didn't kill the board." Deigo said.

"Actually, Deigo, that's not entirely accurate." Five said.

"What about the one who payed them to do it?" I asked.

"The investigation came to the conclusion no such person exists." The Handler said. "You didn't tell them?"

Five shrugged.

"Should we have?" I asked.

"Oh, Five. Y/n." The Handler said.

"What the hell did you do?" Deigo asked us quietly. 

"What I had to do to get my family home." Five snapped. "Until somebody renegaded on our deal."

"Somebody wouldn't have renegaded if somebody could've met a simple deadline." The Handler said.

"That somebody should've mentioned when the deal was first formed." I said.

"Alas." The Handler shrugged.

"You set us up to fail." Five said.

"You're surprised?" I asked Five. "She always has been a backstabbing two faced bitch."

"You wound me." The Handler said.

"Dudes, I can't believe you killed the board of directors." Deigo said. "You have no idea how messed up the Commission is right now."

"I think I missed the bit where I cared Deigo." I said.

"Messed up? Who's saying that?" The Handler asked.

"Everybody." Deigo said. "Christ even the janitors think it's going to shit."

"That's not all they killed.' Lila said.

"What are you talking about?" Five asked.

"The many people we killed over the years Five, we were assassins." I said. "You gotta be more specific Lila."

"Don't play dumb you prepubescent pieces of shit." Lila snapped.

"Enough." The Handler said, putting her briefcase down. "The point is, all of you are going to die today. Hmm?"

"Oh, well I don't like yours chances." Deigo said. "Seven of us, two of you."

"You know you're right. Let's change that." The Handler snapped her fingers and millions of Commission agents appeared behind her. I think it was every assassin they had, all with a briefcase and guns. I recognised a few of their faces.

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