Deals With The Devil

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I wasn't all that keen on the plan, but it was the only one we had that didn't damage Five's mannequin lover, so I tuffed it out.

Luther parked the Hargreeves family car and we I blew smoke out the window.

We were in the middle of nowhere. A road running between two fields with a small shop. It was a good meeting piont, and an even better place to hide two bodies.

"You know I never enjoyed it." Five said out of nowhere.

"What?" Luther asked.

"The killing. I mean I was- I was good at my work and I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure." Five sighed and I rolled my eyes. Luther had been yelling and lecturing us the whole way there on murder and morals and all that shit.

I had shut him up with a, "This is exactly what I imagined your dad to sound like."

"I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind."

Like make you talk to mannequins? I wanted to say.

"Yeah well," Luther said. "You were gone such for a long time. I only spent four years on the moon but that was more than enough. Its the being alone that breaks you. You think they'll by it?"

Luther patted the fake briefcase.

"Well, what I do know is that they're desperate." Five said. "It's like a cop losing his gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back."

"Stuck here with an incoming apocalypse." I said from the backseat.

"Well I should hold onto it." Luther said. "In case they make a move on you."

"Okay, Luther, but be careful. I mean I've lived a long life but you're still a young man, got your whole life ahead for you. Don't waste it."

"You sound so weird right now." I said, smoking.

From the opposite direction we had come from, a blue car drove towards us.

"Here we go." Five said. We all got the car and me and Five walked around the back to meet Luther. Through the front window I could see Hazel and Cha-Cha had their masks on, though Cha-Cha's seemed to be missing an ear.

They drove past us and parked a little way down the road.

"If this all goes sideways," Five said to Luther. "Do me a favor and tell Delores I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes and tapped Five's arm. "Come on, lover boy."

Hazel and Cha-Cha go out their cat and walked towards us. Me and Five did the same. I saw Hazel openly held a pistol on his hand and reached under my blazer. I pulled out my own gun and held it by my side.

We met halfway between the cars and stood about a meter away from eachother.

"The masks really necessary?" Five asked.

They took them off and tossed them aside.

"So where is it kids?" Cha-Cha asked bluntly.

"That's a nice start." I said smiling.

"You know we can get right back in our car and call it a day." Five said.

"You won't even make it halfway there." Cha-Cha pulled out her gun and aimed it at us.

I cocked my pistol and aimed for her heart.

"You realise he can teleport, right?" I cocked my head to the side.

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