The Truth

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March 28th, 2019

I woke up in a boiler room. It was filled with things to make it more homly, but still a boiler room. I was lay down on a bed, Five's shoes in my face. I pushed them away and rolled onto my back. Then regretted it.

I spun over and stuck my head off the bed before I could choke on my own vomit. If I died like that I'd loose and bet with Five.

Once I was done coughing, I gasped and dropped back down onto my stomach, one arm hanging off the bed.

This pathetic teen body wasn't made fro that much drink. I thought miserably.

"Ah, you're up."

I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Luther stood at the top of the stairs to the door. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"You don't say." Groaning, I pushed myself onto my knees. I rubbed my head and pulled out a cigarette.

"Hey wait," Luther started down the steps. "Aren't you too young to smoke."

"I'm easily twenty years older than you Luther, shut the fuck up." I sat cross-legged and smoked.

Luther sat down infront of the bed and watched me. I watched him back our the corner of my eye.

Luther dropped his head and took a deep breath. "So, last night, you said some things-"

"I say a lot a things a lot a the time. You gotta be more specific."

"Five siad you've killed people."

I scoffed. "Didn't you lot used to run around fighting criminals. Didn't anyone die then?"

Luther looked down, sad. I remember and flinched.

"Oh, right, Ben. Sorry."

"How'd you know about him?" Luther asked looking up.

"Five talks about you a lot." I said. I smoked.

"Right. So, anyway, you've killed-?"

"Yes, Luther. Me and Five were assassins together. Best in the business actually." I smoked.

Luthers mouth fell open. "When? How?"

"Any time during the A.D time period." I said. "B.C is a different division."

"Hang on, so, why?" Luther asked me.

"Well I signed up because I had nothing else to live for and Five did it to get out the apocalypse."

"Okay, yes, we need to circle back to that." Luther nodded. "But, you said any time during A.D, what dose that even mean?"

"After Jesus died." I told him, getting irritated.

"No I know what that means. I meant-"

"Let's just say Five isn't the only one who can time travel." I said, putting the cigarette in my mouth.

"Hang on, so... wait." Luther thought it over in his head for a few minutes. "So, whats your power?"


"You know," He said "Your superpower. You know, I have super strength, Five can teleport. What's your superpower?"

"Guns." I said flatly.

"Guns?" Lurher repeated, confused "So, what? Is it like... like Diego's with the knives? What? What is it? Be more specific."

"I take the gun." I said, miming as I went "I aim it. I pull the trigger. And then I don't miss." I dropped my hand and smoked. "Guns."

Guns (Number Five X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now