Disaster Supper

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I was still wallowing in that revelation when Odessa showed up and kicked me out. So I drunkenly made my way back to Elliott's and found it empty besides the conspiracy theorist himself. I shrugged him off, collapsed on his sofa, and passed out instantly.

20th November 1963

When I woke up I made myself a coffee. That's when Elliott handed me the letter. He was evidently nervous. I smirked a bit at the extent he feared me.

"I tried to give it to you last night, but-"

"I was drunk?" I said, taking it out his hand.

Elliott nodded. I sipped my coffe and read.

To my pursuers: I, Reginald Hargreeves, request the pleasure of your company for a light supper on the 20th of November, 1963. Half past seven o'clock. 1624 Magnolia Street.

I sat there staring at it for ages, rereading it over and over looking for some hint of the trap I'd convinced myself was there. Or maybe just to distract myself from my revelation about Five. I only stopped when the Hargreeves started showing up. First Viktor, then Deigo and Luther.

Me and Luther agreed it was a trap, Deigo didn't, and Viktor wanted to meet his dad so much he didn't care.

"Viktor, of all people you should hate Dad the most." Luther explained.

"Yeah he was shit to ya." I nodded, putting a cigarette in my mouth.

"Come on, can he really be that bad?" Viktor asked.

"Okay, well let's see." Luther counted them on his fingers. "He isolated you from the rest of the family,"

"Kept you hopped up on pills." Deigo said, tucking his shirt in.

"To stop you using ya powers because he couldn't be assed to teach you." I explained.

"Then brainwashed you into thinking you didn't even have powers." Luther finished.

"Jesus. This guy... I mean, come on I have to meet him."

Deigo smirked. I rolled my eyes and took the cigarette out my mouth, exhaling the smoke before putting it back. Luther pointed at Deigo.

"You already know how this is gonna go. Dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn us all against eachother. You watch."

"Luther, we're not twelve anymore." Deigo said. "Alright we're grown-ass men. And women. Hey," He crouched down infront of Luther. "We can handle him. Wanna know what's different this time?"

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Luther asked.

"Me?" I guessed. "I'm here now."

"You got me." Deigo said. "We go in there as a united front. No more Number One, Number Two bullshit. From now on it's... Team Zero."

I rolled my eyes.

"Team Zero?" Luther reapeted.

"Team Zero." Deigo nodded. He held out his fists for a fist bump. "All the way."

No one fist bumped him. He dropped his fists.

I laughed quietly and my vision flashed blue. Next thing I knew I was in the alley behind Elliott's about to fall on my ass. Five caught me.

"Jesus-" I steadied myself. "Thanks."

I stepped away from him slightly. This was the first time I'd seen him since yesterday, and my revelation. I was still almost in denial about it, given how drunk I was at the time. Still, I wasn't in the mood to make a fool of myself. I didn't fluster easy. Before the Commission, I'd had my fair share of partners and relationships of every kind. If I wanted someone, most the time I got them. I didn't have shame in most parts of life, including that. So, yeah, I didn't fluster easy. But Five felt... different somehow, so I wasn't taking any chances. That meant putting a little distance between us. Plus if I embarrassed myself with him, he'd lure it over my forever.

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