His Docile.

583 20 1

           Stars so my new book is out now it's a book of kim taehyung so many of you must be thinking why again maknae line since I didn't write any proper book for tae I'll write this one then will be focusing on hyung line so I hope you love and support this book as much as you did my others💜.

The cover Of Book

It's on my profile you can check there

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It's on my profile you can check there.

Also here's the link for the book :



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So we got 15 votes on 14th chapter of Bonded to him I gave goal of 20 for this time I'll let go but from next chapter I want to reach the goal or I won't update next chapter💜

The sneak peak of chapter 15.

'Jimin someone is there...please believe me...I I feel someone is there..'

'Baby no one is there trust me '
'Let's get married next month no let's get married next week Ara '

'I love you Jun--Tae taehyung I I love you '

He smirked..

Finally my love it's time for us to be together again..marriage with him ? Not in this life nor in any life if you won't be mine, you can be no ones !

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