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December 22nd, 2021
2:01 P.M

The car pulls up outside a warehouse surrounded by people in blacked out uniforms. Y/n glances around, glancing over to Alycia who stares down at her hands. Y/n's gaze follows seeing the girl picking at her fingers, blood beginning to surface. Gently, Y/n reaches her hand over and places it over Alycia's hand, looking back up to see Alycia jump, her eyes blink almost as if Y/n had startled her.

"I know you're upset and that there's a lot going through your mind right now, but I need you to promise me that you won't leave my side in there. No matter what," Y/n speaks gently, giving the girl a tight squeeze. However Alycia gives no response. She remains silent. "Alycia?"

Y/n reaches her hand over and punches Alycia's chin gently turning her head towards her. There their eyes lock and Y/n shakes her head, letting go of Alycia's chin and cupping the girl's cheek in her hand, gently rubbing her thumb back and forth.


"Why would you show me that video?" Alycia asks, flicking her teary eyes back and forth between Y/n's.

"Because i want you to know that she cares about you and loves you. Because in the moment it felt right," Y/n spoke even though she held back some of the truth. Alycia tears her eyes off of Y/n and gently moves her face causing Y/n to drop their hand.

"I promise I won't leave your side," Alycia whispers, moving her hands causing Y/n to remove her other hand off of the girl. Y/n stares at Alycia's side profile, hurt behind her eyes but had to collect themselves. They knew showing that video to Alycia would upset her. They knew that maybe they shouldn't of showed her but at the same time Y/n wanted Alycia to feel okay. Wanted Alycia to be alright. If that be seeing her mother on a screen begging for her captor to bring her home then so be it. Y/n couldn't let Alycia go for many different reasons. Even if she wanted to desperately. They just couldn't. Not from what Alycia's seen or heard. Or many more things.

A sigh escapes Y/n as the door to her left opens. She gets out and holds out her hand. Alycia comes out moments later, taking a hold of Y/n's hand, as they help her out of the car. However once she's out three heavy set guards come towards them holding big machine guns causing Y/n to instinctively place Alycia behind them, keeping ahold of the Australian's hand.

"Y/n Williams. Leader of this so called group I take it," a voice spoke causing Y/n to squint their eyes. Within seconds the two from guards step aside and reveal Harold Jenkins.

"Son of a bitch. JenJen Skelly," Y/n spoke causing the older black man's frown to turn into a big smile.

"No! It can't be!" Harold speaks clapping his hands together. "My, my, my. I didn't know it was you, Rebel! What the hell?"

"Well of course you didn't. I didn't give you my actual name!" Y/n responds shaking their head. "God how long has it been?"

"Oh I'd say a good 4 years. My, my." Happiness shoots through the older man as he shakes his head turning to one of his guards. "You remember them?" The guard shakes his head as Harold laughs. "Good god almighty! I'm so sorry about all this Rebel!"

"All this? Harold I'm sorry but my people informed me you had killed one of my finest," Y/n spoke and Harold's smile fades quickly. Confusion washes over the old man's face shaking his head.

All On The Line {A.D.C x You} Book IWhere stories live. Discover now