Chapter 1 - To rebuild the world

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Kyoko entered the Headmaster's office with two cups of coffee in her glove-covered hands. Makoto didn't even notice her while he was focused on typing on his computer, not until she sat down in front of him and placed the cup between him and his keyboard.

"Ah, thanks Kiri" He said and moved his monitor away to reveal his bright smile.

"And I thought that I was a workaholic" She smirked.

"It's just the academy has freshly opened and-"

"Yeah I know I know, just don't let it stay like this alright?" Kyoko interrupted.

"No worries, I don't plan on spending the rest of my life sitting on this chair anyway. I want to be a living part of this school. Y'know, look at happy kids playing football in the yard, help lone students to integrate with the class, it would be great therapy for me after the killing game. Seeing young people rise and fulfill their dreams, just like we were supposed to.." Makoto said while losing some of the happiness on his face.

"You can't deny that our experiences did teach us a lesson either, they made us stronger... They changed us. Forever." She took a sip of her coffee to release the tension.

"..And I'll use this strength to protect people from the remaining senseless despair." He said trying to sound confident.

"You mean, protect our students?" Kyoko replied with a little bit of anxiety in her voice.

"Um, well, I- I got a call from Byakuya just a moment ago and he invited me for a conference." Naegi rubbed the back of his head.

"We are retired from the Future Foundation, permanently." She stated firmly.

"I know but he said that it's very important and I have to be there. Maybe he just wants to flex the foundation's statistics and take all the credit like usually right?"

"I don't like this. I'm coming with you, when are we leaving?" Kyoko asked without asking her friend for his agreement.

"In, fifteen minutes I suppose." He replied with hesitation.

"We're going now, I'll have a little talk with the "Togami lord." She quickly stood up.

"Alright, but we need to wear our federation sui- Ah!" Makoto got pulled by Kyoko who strongly grabbed his hand.

"Screw the suits." Kyoko said with a little bit of anger that she tried to hide.

Future Foundation Headquarters - Byakuya Togami's office

"You're early, the conference has not begun yet." Byakuya said while checking something on his tablet.

"Yeah? You don't say." Kyoko said and pushed his tablet down on his desk.

"Kirigiri, I don't remember inviting you here. I assume that you forced Makoto to take you with him is that correct?" He crossed his arms.

"Doesn't matter, Kiri why don't we calm down in the conference room and talk to Byakuya afterward? We don't wanna be a problem and stress him before his presentation am I right?" Naegi said cheerfully to relax the atmosphere

"Fine." She replied.

Conference room

Both the Ultimate Hope and Detective sat in an already crowded conference room.

"Why are you so mad Kiri? The presentation didn't even start yet." Makoto tried to loosen her up.

"You didn't tell me about something important. Knowing Byakuya is nothing good. Besides, your face is an open book when it comes to stuff like this." She pointed out.

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