Chapter 11 - Iced coffee

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"Did I die? Is this the end?.." Kyoko thought after she got woken up by some weird rustling. She half opened her eyes and looked at endless sand. Then she slowly regained consciousness and rolled her head to the other side. There she saw a masked man in desert clothes looting Makoto and a camel standing next to them.

After Kirigiri realized that they were getting robbed she immediately opened her suitcase and grabbed her gun. "DON'T MOVE." She aimed at the bandit.

"Huh?" He gazed at her.

"Get up." Kyoko ordered.

The robber just kept staring at her.

"I said GET UP." She shot her pistol in the air as a warning.

He jumped away back to his camel.

"This twit doesn't seem to understand simple English." Kirigiri said in her mind. "Bring me that wineskin, now." She pointed at the item attached to the camel's saddle in case he didn't understand.

The outlaw stood up and threw her the wineskin.

Kyoko opened its lid and saw the life-giving liquid inside.

"Stay here." She placed her friend's head on her knees and began to pour water into his mouth.

Naegi slowly opened his eyes and choked after a few sips. "Kiri- what's- what's going on?" He said between coughs and sat next to her.

"This thief wanted to- damnit." She saw him fleeing on his camel. "He didn't have more water but we could have used his mount."

"Your lips are dry, why didn't you drink first? There's not much left in there is it? We were supposed to split water in half!" Makoto reminded worrying about his friend.

"I just wanted to wake you up." Kirigiri drank the rest.

"If your mindset is to prioritize my life like you did back in our last killing game, then you're wrong. We're equally important." He lied, knowing that he would sacrifice for her as well. "Why didn't you tell me about your forbidden action? We would have found a safer solution together!"

"You keep bringing this up. I'm tired of arguing about it, especially in the desert, so do me a favor and give it up already." Kyoko requested.

"How can I just give it up?! You didn't know if the pills would work! You recklessly risked your life for me!" Naegi shouted.

"No Makoto, it would be reckless if I told you about my forbidden action. You could've done something stupid and I couldn't take that risk. I did the only right thing, we both know it, you just don't want to admit it." She argued and looked away to show that she wanted to end this topic.

"..It's just that I often wonder, what if the pills didn't work? If something would have happened to you there I would never forgive myself. I- I even had nightmares long after it all happened.." Makoto confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kirigiri asked and looked back at him.

"There were times where I just wanted to bust out of my room at night and go see your face, but that would've been childish wouldn't it?.." He questioned.

"It's childish to bottle up your fears inside you. It's childish to act strong when you're actually weak. That's why your dreams keep hunting you. You have to accept that it's not your fault, the killing games, my forbidden action. Don't forget that you saved a lot of people, and by selling those devices and doing your speeches you continue to save more." Kyoko tried to cheer him up.

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