Chapter 10 - Quicksand

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The plane started tilting down. Kyoko was still shocked and fell down forcing her door open.

"Got ya!" Makoto shouted as he grabbed her forearm. He was holding himself to their bathroom's open door's doorknob.

Kirigiri grabbed his forearm as well because his wounded hand couldn't hold her for more than a few seconds. They looked down and saw a big hole between the right sides of the main room and the cockpit.

When the ringing in their ears almost completely disappeared they started hearing the thrusters of the plane launching.

The aircraft began to slowly tilt back to its normal position and just when it did so the passengers experienced a very tough touchdown as their jet started to rub on the sand.

Because of the impact made by the hard landing, the two Ultimates got thrown onto the ceiling and then back on the floor.



"Ow, my head.." Naegi slowly got up on his knees and looked for his friend. He saw her unconscious lying not too far away. "Kiri!"

"Can you hear me?!" Makoto sat her up against the plane's wall and noticed small bleeding on the back of her head.

"Oh n-no no no no damnit!" He tore off a piece of his suit and tied it around her wound. "Kiri wake up!" Naegi shook his former classmate by her shoulders. "We need to leave!" After he didn't get any response the Ultimate Hope opened the plane's door and took her out by himself. Afterward Makoto placed her on the sand and ran to check on his pilot. A small part of the right side of the cockpit was destroyed but Ryo was there lying on his seat. His ears were bleeding. "Come on we need to get you out of here buddy." Naegi undid his seatbelts and then took him next to Kyoko with quite a struggle.

"Mm.." Kirigiri rubbed her head.

"He's not breathing!" He put his hands on Ryo's chest and began resuscitation.

Kyoko ran to them and got down. "Makoto, it's no use.." She said after revealing his belly with a piece of metal stabbed deep into the right side of it. "He's dead."

Naegi looked into her dead serious eyes, he simply couldn't believe in what his friend just said.

"He saved us, launched the thrusters, and provided us a smooth landing with a hole in our jet and his abdominal. He truly was an incredibly skilled airman." Kyoko admitted.

"We didn't even ask him if he had a family.." Makoto felt on his hands and started sobbing.

"He will be remembered..." She looked down in respect and mourning.

After Naegi gathered enough strength to stop his tears, his former classmate tried to contact Byakauka.

"There's no connection. That's very unusual since our communication depends on satellites. Because information is crucial in this war, it's likely that they shot down the spacecrafts." Kirigiri speculated.

"W-what do you mean they shot them down, we're in the middle of the desert!" He yelled.

"It's just my speculation. I suspect some other scenarios as well and this one is the most pessimistic option." Kyoko explained.

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