Chapter 23 - Change of plan

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Makoto began tying the scientist to a chair with some clothes he found in his wardrobe.

"Don't tell me you set up this whole love thing just to throw me off guard." He said while being visibly nervous.

"Not our fault you fell for it. Also, Kirigiri bloodline is none of your concern." Kyoko told coldly.

The man sighed. "Whatever you want me to do, I can't do it. I'm not the highest rank but just a worker. If I do something wrong they'll kill me, like anyone who disobeys."

"So they're watching you." She assumed.

The four-eyes nodded.

"Alright then, you'll turn off the electricity for us. Make it look like an accident or not, it's up to you." Kirigiri ordered.

"Kiri t-that was not the plan. What's on your mind?" He whispered after walking away from their hostage.

"We don't know if he's telling the truth so I say we should play it safe." Kyoko explained silently.

"Well, what do you mean by that?" Naegi questioned.

"You'll see." She told and approached the robotic engineer. "One wrong move and we'll blow this place up, including you." Kirigiri looked at her friend and swung her head towards the scientist. Makoto understood what she meant and went to untie him.

"Act normal as if nothing happened." She commanded and hid the taser in her skirt.

The man came out first being followed by the two Ultimates. "This is it! The time has come, the moment of salvation for humanity! The Queen of despair reborn in her best form!" He announced.

"We defeated her twice and we'll do it again." Naegi told.

"For sure." The blue-haired chuckled. "You just don't know how different she is this time.. A lot different. Night and day different! More despair than ever awaits!"

"We get it." Kyoko said in annoyance.

"Great. Just let me check one thing so I know everything's working just like it should." He approached a three meters high supercomputer and pushed it aside to reveal an electric panel. "It'll take just a moment..."

"Take your time." Makoto crossed his arms.

The man began examining the electronics and after a while, he slowly disconnected a red cable. Then he ripped off its electrical plug and violently pushed it against Kyoko's chest, which made her shake uncontrollably.

Not even half a second passed and Naegi already grabbed and pulled away the scientist's arm with both his hands. Unfortunately the time Kirigiri was being electrocuted was enough to knock her out.

"L-LET- GO!-" The blue-haired was trying hard to escape Makoto's grip but couldn't achieve his goal. After a brief moment of struggling, he punched him in the face.

"AUGH!-" Naegi moaned and clearly felt the punch but didn't stop resisting.

"JUST- G-GIVE UP ALREADY-" The roboticist shouted while slowly gaining an advantage over the Ultimate Hope. "I R-REALLY DON'T WANT TO- H-HIT THAT PRETTY FACE AGAIN-" He threatened when the light in the room turned red and a loud alarm started playing.

"GO AHEAD!" Makoto challenged him with sarcasm and hit his belly using his knee.

That hit didn't seem to meaningly impact his enemy who only bent a little. In revenge, he was about to land a second punch but just before his fist reached Naegi's face he felt a strong pain taking over his body which was caused by Kyoko's taser. Because Makoto was touching him the electricity also went through his body and made them both collapse helplessly to the floor.

You Are My World - A Naegiri storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora