Chapter 20 - Meal replacement shakes

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The slowly lowering walls of the chamber revealed two side metal pillars with strange magnets on their sides. They were holding something truly breathtaking between them: A levitating silver skeleton of a female-looking robot with an uncountable amount of details, especially around the face area.

The view made the Ultimates speechless.

"Two thousand two hundred megapixels per eye, which translates to 64k resolution. Three lenses: regular, ultra-wide, and macro. All with an optical zoom up to five hundred times. Her hearing is thirteen times better than the human ear's, her nose can detect twice the substances humans can. Almost every part is made of titanium, which makes her extremely durable and light at once. Overwhelming strength and instant reaction time. She can jump eight meters high and run at the speed of seventy-four kilometers per hour. I would explain the details of her processing power but you wouldn't understand anything so I don't see the point. All you need to know is that she can think fast, very fast. Finally, let me tell you about the most important part, that is her heart. It is superior to the reactor that I put in my previous project. Should last approximately four times longer which is around three hundred years, even with the newer more power-hungry hardware. That's it in a nutshell, any questions?" The scientist asked.

"This is all my fault..." Kyoko thought.

"..Give me and my partner a moment, will you?" Naegi grabbed her shocked friend's hand and pulled him a few meters away from the chamber.

"This is absolutely terrible." Kirigiri whispered.

"On the contrary, this is our best chance." Makoto told in a silent tone.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Imagine if we could heal him and get him on our side. His robots could safely pacify the despairs." Naegi assumed.

"I honestly can't imagine that, not in our current situation." Kyoko replied. "For now we can't let Junko be reborn."

"Do we have a plan?" He asked.

"..Not yet. But as soon as-"

"Hey you're gonna miss the cool part, come back already." The stranger interrupted while messing with the control panel.

The Ultimates listened and calmly headed back to the open chamber.

"What now?" Kirigiri questioned.

"You didn't think this was her final look, did you? He chuckled and stepped back from the panel. "This might take a while, I'll bring us some chairs."

"But what-" Makoto didn't finish his sentence as he saw many robotic arms coming out from the top and bottom of the chamber. "Now what the hell is this.." He brought his hand up to his chin.

The Ultimate Detective stepped forward and kneeled down to take a closer look at the bottom arms. "...It's printing skin."

"That means he doesn't want a robot Junko, he wants robot Junko disguising herself as a human.." Naegi deduced.

"She won't be a robot, but a human living in a god's body." The four-eyes unfolded three steel chairs and sat down.

"Human? Enoshima is dead. Her personality you apparently downloaded from my mind is an artificial intelligence." She stated.

"Answer me then, could you tell that she's an AI? Could you tell that she's any different? That she's just a program?" The man asked.

"...It doesn't mean that-"

"You couldn't see the difference because she uploaded her mind with a brain reading hardware. That's right, your school had breakthrough technology and didn't even know about it. Gathering so many talents in one place is a huge risk that was apparently underestimated by your father... Funny how there's such a thin line between Hope's Peak and Despair's Peak, isn't it?" The scientist smirked.

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