Chapter 15 - Views

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"Uh, Kiri you missed the entrance." Naegi pointed out.

"I know, we'll need to grab something you left." Kyoko approached their hanging laundry.

"Already dry? If the sun here is this effective we could've just bathed clothed and get the water patched during our walk." He assumed and began putting their clothes on him as his friend slowly moved along the washing line.

"Unconventional but practical. We can try it next time we crash on a desert." Kirigiri said jokingly and headed over to her room.

"It was my first time playing a drunk lie-abed." Makoto chuckled as the Ultimate Detective put him on her couch. "Did anyone suspect us?"

"Everyone was staring at you, but it seems that our disguise has worked out." She replied after emptying her suitcase. "Put the grenades here."

"Got it." Naegi moved their pile of clothes away and gently placed the stolen explosives where his former classmate ordered him to. "So, what are the adjustments that you mentioned?"

"First of all we'll need to be armed. Wear your vest under your suit and shirt." Kyoko commanded.

"The entire point of the plan is to prevent bloodshed like you said. Bringing military stuff with us will only make things worse." He argued.

"We need to be ready for any turn of events. Even if they find your gun they won't do anything, you're still valuable to them." Kirigiri assumed.

"Well I hope so but what if they find you?" Makoto questioned.

"If their approach is aggressive then we'll have to improvise. Otherwise they'll just capture me as well. But don't concern yourself, I won't get caught easily." She assured.

"No doubt with that." Naegi smiled.

"There's still one problem we need to cover. The runways we found. The patrol may come from the air, not necessarily from the ground." Kyoko pointed out.

"You're right, it'll be way harder to blow up the plane and stay undetected in the open..." He brought his right hand up to his chin and pondered for a moment. "Let's take care of the ground option first, then we'll figure out a plan for handling the potential aerial vehicles. What do you say?"

"Let's get to it, we have no time to waste, they can arrive anytime. Just get yourself armed first." Kirigiri stood up and grabbed her vest.

"Right, meet you at the reception." Makoto went to his room and got changed. Just when he was about to hide his gun, he hesitated and glanced over at it. "Listen.. I don't want to use you today or any other time. Those people are still human, just waiting to be cured. But if she gets into a life threatening situation, I won't hesitate... I can't hesitate... I mustn't hesitate..." Naegi promised himself that he'll protect his friend and put his pistol in his pants behind his back. Kyoko was already waiting for him at the hotel reception.

"So, how do I look?.." Makoto asked rubbing his head.

"A bit inflated but they shouldn't notice. What concerns me is how will we survive this heat while wearing three layers." She inhaled deeply.

"It makes us look suspicious, at least during the day.. Let's hope that they arrive after sunset." Naegi came out of the hotel along his former classmate.

"Do you overuse the word "hope" on purpose?" Kirigiri questioned.

"Ah, n-no not at all, it just comes to my mind naturally.. Is that bad?" He asked a bit worried.

"Not necessarily, but if you don't want your students to see you as a "hope god" then using that word too much won't help." Kyoko replied.

"That's a good point." Makoto let out a chuckle. "But don't call them my students, they're ours, you're the vise principal after all."

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