Chapter 14 - Jackpot

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The two Ultimates exited the hotel to go on a walk around the microcosm.

"It's abnormal for you to worry like this, I thought that you trust Byakuya more than I do." Kyoko said.

"I didn't want to involve our students in this. He proposed Kirumi to go with me at first but I instantly refused. Now he ignored my statement." Naegi told.

"You chose me over the Ultimate Maid? That's quite an honor." She appreciated.

"That's not because of- I mean- that's n-not the case. My point is that I am responsible for them and at the new Hope's Peak safety comes before anything else. It's our top priority right?" Makoto questioned.

"Yes, but Togami already sent our student to us so we can't stop his plan now. You'll tell him off when we'll all be safe." Kirigiri proposed.

"Tell him off? Why would he even care? You were right about him, he's unpredictable and does whatever he wants!" He shouted.

The people around stared as the two friends argued in the middle of the hamlet.

"You better save your stress for the night." Kyoko advised trying to calm him down.

"..Sorry, I should be yelling at him right now, not at you." Naegi sighed.

"You're really trying hard to be a better headmaster than my father aren't you?" She asked.

"Huh, why do you bring this up?" Makoto questioned.

"Not even two weeks in the new school passed and you already treat your students like your own children." Kirigiri pointed out.

"It's not that is just, your dad was great at his job. But I desire to be more. I want to be their hope." He told.

"I have a feeling like they already admire you, and I'm not surprised. Winning two killing games is quite an achievement." Kyoko highlighted.

"T-that's not what I mean, I don't want to be seen like this, rather like their support, someone who is there to help.. Besides, I didn't win the games by myself. Without you it all wouldn't go well, to say the least." Naegi stated.

"I could say the same for you." She looked at her friend.

"No Kiri, the truth is that you deserve all the credit. I don't know why people see me as the leader when it's actually you.." Makoto pointed out.

"You didn't have much time to get to know your students right? Just gave them a few speeches and now they probably think you're some god of hope who left them to save the world." Kirigiri said jokingly.

"Well, I didn't plan on it turning out like this." He rubbed his head. "God of hope you say? Even though you're joking Nagito seems to treat me like one for some reason."

"What do you mean?" Kyoko asked.

"He always hits me up when he gets a chance and acts all weird and nervous. From our conversations, I can deduce that he's obsessed with hope and truly believes in luck, especially in his, weird kind of luck.." He told.

"In my opinion, we should stop the lottery for ordinary students. Luck is not a talent, it doesn't exist." She stated.

"You may have a point but, it wouldn't make sense if I broke the tradition. I joined the academy that way after all." Naegi pointed out.

"Fair enough." Kirigiri stopped as they reached the end of the small village. "So it's not called a fort for no reason." They saw two runways and several medium warehouses in the distance.

"It looks like. That means that all the equipment will go to the despairs since we literally invited them here. And by the way, now I realized, what about the villagers? Do we just flee like some cowards and look at them getting captured because of us? We don't even know what could happen to them. W-we can't follow his plan!" He shouted.

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