"That little bastard! Did you help him escape?"

"How could I?"

"I don't know, Gretchen, how could you?" Elizabeth growled.

"My lady, are you truly under the impression that what you have been doing is right?"

"If I cared about what was right, I wouldn't have shut you up in the beginning of it."

"Because you knew that I wouldn't go along with your horrible and depraved schemes." Gretchen laughed. "Look at you now! You're with child in the most deplorable of ways and without a husband, people will believe that you are a witch."

"What makes you think that a witch is the first conclusion that will come to? What year were you born in?" The noblewoman said as she leaned against the post on her bed, moaning a little. "They'll just deem me a trollop and my family's name will be ruined." She grunted again, clutching the post. "No man in sight just means that I either let myself get caught up in the wiles of a wanton rogue or I was a whore from the start. And we all know that I'm innocent..." she said, seeming to moan in pain again.

"What's wrong with you?" Gretchen asked, watching her lady from the doorway.

Elizabeth was breathing heavily. "I don't know... I feel like I'm on fire and there's pressure in my- ah!"

She leaned against the bed, clutching her stomach for a second and then she seemed to calm down. When she stood back up though, Gretchen's blue eyes widened as Elizabeth's hazel ones did as well as they both looked at Elizabeth's stomach, where it looked like she was at least six months pregnant. The strange feeling subsided as Elizabeth just stared down at herself and Gretchen crossed her arms.

"I assume by your surprise that this was not supposed to happen?"

"Not that I'm aware of... It's too fast... Gretchen, you have to help me."

Gretchen laughed. "Help you? Ha! Serves you right for doing what you've done as well as using fantastical elements that you really have no idea how to use on a fantastical family to boot. Did you honestly believe it wouldn't backfire on you?"

"Shut up, Gretchen. This is not good..." she said, biting her nail a little.

"How sad. Won't Merida have such fun hearing about what you did to her beloved Mr. Higgs." Gretchen said with a petty grin, feeling a little elated at the state her lady was in.

"She'll never find out."

"With a belly like that due in just a short time? You're daft if you believe she won't put two and two together."

"I meant that Higgs will never tell and if I stay hidden long enough-"

"You misunderstand me, Lady Elizabeth." She said as she looked at her in triumph. "Merida Dunbrough will find out about this because I mentioned that I never rescued Higgs. So, how did the man escape?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened with realization. "You had an accomplice."

"For all your cleverness, you really let your pride cloud your judgement. There are four people who know what you have done."

"Castel won't say anything."

"Doesn't mean he hasn't forgotten everything. He's odd but he's by far not stupid. That's one."





"Well you can't be talking about Patrick. We made him forget."

"Technically I should include him but you're right, he has forgotten. Come on, use that brain of yours. Who else could be an accomplice and know about what you've done?"

To Love A Myth: Book 3 - Mr. Higgs and the Clan🎩Where stories live. Discover now