"You need to feed her."

"I don't want it near me."

"Then would you like for me to find a wet nurse so that the child doesn't die?"

"Do whatever you want, Patrick. I don't care." Elizabeth growled from the bed.

Patrick breathed in, trying to keep his anger at bay. "Elizabeth Morrigan Carnation Hinkley..."

"Patrick Wilifred Arnold James Clarvins II." Elizabeth mocked as she looked at him. He made a face at her. "I know your god given name as well."

"You seem to not understand the seriousness of this situation, woman." He growled. "You decided that having this child was what you wanted. You kidnapped, tortured, and defiled a lord, Elizabeth! I understand your narcissism and pride wont' let you believe that what you've done is wrong or that you made a mistake, but that doesn't mean that Alistyr needs to suffer."

"Well then how about you go look in the alchemy book and make yourself a lactation potion, drink it, and nurse the baby yourself if you're so damned concerned with the little imp."

"Maybe if you hadn't killed Gretchen-"

"Gretchen's use was no longer needed and she tried to be a smart ass about it. Serves her right for thinking she was going to school me in my own game. She grew out of her position and out of my favor."

"Oh, yes, that makes complete sense." Patrick growled, rolling his eyes. "You are despicable."

"If I'm such a wretch then why are you even here?" Before Patrick could answer, Elizabeth gave him a wicked smile. "Never mind, I know exactly why you're here: for some dumb reason, you think there is something left of me to save." She laughed and sat up a little. "You were always like this, trying to play the noble nobleman, when you're not worth the ground you walk on. Your father put it in your head that you were to be strong and upstanding, but you could never reach the level that he wanted. Isn't that why you were a drunk little man for so long? I mean, if you think about it, isn't it really your fault that all this happened? I mean, if it wasn't for you trying to gut Higgs then a lot of this wouldn't have happened."

Patrick couldn't keep from laughing. "Watching you flounder to try and shift the blame to someone else makes me smile, Lady Hinkley." He walked around the bed post, holding onto it. "We were perfect for each other because I allowed you your little pleasures and I found it fun to watch when you thought I played into them. I've always known your true nature, dear, even when you thought you were so good at acting otherwise. You got bored of me because you realized I was catching on; that's the only reason why Higgs Northunberly was a target for you. Figuring you out was always fun and watching your mask slip was exciting, but you went too far this time."

"Oh, boohoo, Patrick. If you're so concerned about the little welp then take her back to his mansion. I'm sure MeRiDa will take care of her. She has a habit of taking in trash."

"No." he said, walking over to her. He leaned over her and got in her face. "This is the biggest failure of your entire life and I want to be there to watch every moment of it unfold. I'm going to marry you to make sure that no one else can have you and then I'm going to keep the baby and claim her as mine. Then I'm going to watch you as you watch your little failure grow up in front of you, all your plans falling apart with every year."

"Is that a threat?"

"Oh, it's a promise. As soon you're able to get up out of this bed, we're going straight to church, woman." He pulled away. "That was a nice way of diverting the subject of feeding the child."

"You can't force milk to come out of my breasts for her. I'd rather have them rot off than feed that little monster."

"What's the difference between her and if you had had a boy?"

To Love A Myth: Book 3 - Mr. Higgs and the Clan🎩Where stories live. Discover now