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"You're avoiding everyone." Jack pointed out, Mirae simply rolling her eyes at the obvious as she edited the music scores on her lap. "Or are you just avoiding me?"

Mirae let out a sigh, placing her pencil behind her ear as she looked at the brown haired boy in front of her. His eyebrows furrowed deep enough to leave a scar. "My sister has been drilling me and on top of that, my boyfriend just broke up with me, I think I have the right to isolate myself."

"Yeah I heard, and I'm really sorry Mirae." Jack said. "I hate him for doing that to you. I can't stand seeing you heartbroken again."

"Thanks for your concern." She replied, looking over at the spot next to her on the couch, signaling him to join her, which he did. Mirae has been weary of Jack, but she does need to keep in mind that he may have changed, and that he is still her friend. He's also been the least of her worries for the last few weeks. "I invited you over because Minseo wants to talk to us all as a band, I think she wants us to perform at her wedding on Saturday."

"Nice, that gives us a two days to practice." Jack cheered sarcastically as the other three arrived.

"Playing at the wedding, I'm assuming." Seongmi slumped into a bean bag as Aera took the seat next to her.

"It's good to see that you're alive." Aera gave her a nod.

"You too." Mirae sighed whilst Meihua sat herself down next to her on the couch. "Minseo, they're here!" She shouted, hoping her voice made it to wherever her sister was in their small apartment. The sound of hurried footsteps entered their wedding bombed living room, filled with papers and decorations on the floor as the bride and groom welcomed them with smiles.

"Good to see you all here." Minseo started, clasping her hands together. "I'm sure Mirae is happy to be seeing actual human beings again."

"Get to the point." Mirae groaned, staring up at the ceiling. She was happy for them initially, but now she hates the whole concept of a wedding. She just wanted the whole thing to be over.

"Congrats on the engagement, by the way." Meihua spoke kindly as Minseo returned to the smile she had from the start.

"Thanks Meihua." She said. "What we wanted to ask of you all was to perform at the wedding, just one romantic song. It can be a cover or an original...we don't really care." She explained, her husband-to-be agreeing with a nod. "Just let us know what it is when you do decide."

"But we do have one request."  Dohyun -the groom- spoke, holding a finger up. The two of them made eye contact before looking over at Mirae. "We want Mirae to sing."

The room went silent momentarily as they looked at the disheveled girl, knowing that a request like this was horribly timed, and simply waited for their guitarist to voice her distaste.

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