{Chapter 2}

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It was nice having lunch with Chase. That night we hung out and talked about what has happened since we last saw each other. This morning I woke up and felt refreshed. I stepped on my cold hardwood floor and walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and smiled. I brushed my teeth and walked into the kitchen. I made some blueberry waffles and some coffee. I sat down at the table and saw my phone light up. It was a text from Jen.

Hey you got the day off today! I'll see you tomorrow.

I smiled and put my phone down. It lit up again.

Hey I was wondering if you would like to get dinner tonight? Maybe I can bring Elli?

Sure I would love too meet Elli. Should I wear something fancy?

Wonderful and yes.

Great what time?

Around 7:30.

Okay I'll see you then.

Okay also I'll pick you up just text me the address.

Okay bye.

I smiled and put my phone back down. I ate my waffles and drank my coffee. I cleaned the house and did some laundry. I walked into my room and looked through my closet. I picked out a cute black tight dress. Even though it's a few hours till we go I still like too plan ahead. I picked out some cute heels and set them on the bed. I sat at my computer and pulled up so old photos of Chase and I. When we were dating he looked different. He had long hair, he wore old jeans that had holes, his boots that were covered in mud, and a shirt that had stains from working on cars. The photo was of us standing on the back of his old Chevy swaying to the music playing. He had his hands on my hips and he was whispering something in my ear. I smiled and closed my computer. When I saw him in the coffee shop he had a clean hair cut, tight jeans with no holes, he had nice black boots, a baseball cap, and a nice t-shirt that was not stained. I got up and walked into the living room. I sat down and clicked through the channels. Nothing was on. I got up and check the clock. 4:00. I sighed and walked upstairs. I showered and changed into my dress. I did some light make-up and curled my hair. I smiled and slipped on my heels. I grabbed my purse and put my phone, keys, and wallet in it. I walked downstairs and heard a knock. I took a deep breath. Why am I nervous? I opened the door and saw a very well dressed Chase. He was wearing a button up blue shirt, tight black jeans, his black boots and he had his baseball cap on backwards. I smiled.

"Wow you look amazing!"he smiled. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself."I giggled. He smiled and looked down.

"Ready?"he asked looking at the truck to check on Elli.

"Yes let me just lock up the house."I smiled and locked the door. I grabbed his hand and we walked.

He helped me in the truck. I smiled. He hasn't changed. Still the gentlemen he's always been. He got in and smiled.

"Elli this is Kendall. Kendall this is Elli."he smiled and pointed too the back.

"Nice to meet you Elli."I smiled and shook her hand.

"It's nice too meet to."she giggled. She looks a lot like her dad. She has green eyes, long brown hair.

We got to the restaurant and Chase opened my door and helped Elli out. I thanked him and he grabbed my hand as we walked in. I smiled. We got a table and Elli sat next to Chase and Chase sat next to me. We all ordered and Chase started talking. We ate and then headed to the truck. He opened my door and buckled Elli in. He got in and started the truck. We pulled up at a movie theater.

"What movie are we seeing?"Elli asked jumping up and down. Chase was getting popcorn and drinks for all of us.

"We're seeing a movie that Kendall wants to watch Elli."he replied looking at me and he winked. I bent down being careful cause I was in a dress.

"Hey Elli. What movie do you wanna watch?"I asked smiling. She looked at me and smiled.

"I wanna see Rio 2! It's has animals and it's cute!"she replied. I got up and grabbed her hand. We walked over to Chase and he looked at us.

"Can we watch Rio 2?"I asked looking down at Elli. She looked at him and she was doing the puppy dog eyes.

"I don't see why not."he smiled. He got the popcorn and handed me my drink. Elli walked in front of us and he looked at me.

"You didn't have to do that."he whispered.

"No it's fine. She wanted to watch it and I also do."I replied. We got our seats and Elli sat in between us. We watched the movie and Elli loved it. It was a good movie I must say. We walked out to the truck and got in. We went to a ice cream place and we were sitting outside. I got some chills and Chase must have noticed. He put his jacket over me and smiled. I felt his hand rubbing my back. I at my ice cream and then we headed to my house. I smiled as he helped me out of the truck and walked me up to my porch.

"Tonight was amazing. Thank you."I hugged him.

"I'm glad you had fun. Maybe we can go out Saturday? My parents will have Elli so it'll just be us."he smiled and hugged me back.

"Sounds good."I smiled. I opened my door and he was about to walk off.

"Wait!"he yelled. He ran back up and grabbed my hand. He leaned down and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away. "I'll see you Saturday."

"Okay. Bye."I smiled and quickly walked in my house. I shut the door and slid down in. I couldn't wipe the smile off me face.

I walked upstairs and changed into so pajamas and brushed my hair. I took my make-up off and climbed into bed. I soon fell asleep.

*Authors Note
The pictures are Kendal and Chase! I hope y'all are enjoying the story! Comment what ya think! Thanks for reading<3 Make sure you vote!

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